Networking & Content Delivery

Category: *Post Types

Implementing Default Directory Indexes in Amazon S3-backed Amazon CloudFront Origins Using CloudFront Functions

Amazon CloudFront Functions now makes it possible to do things that were previously only possible with AWS Lambda@Edge, but in a more performant manner. For example, now you can manipulate the URI path—something that is essential when you want to secure an origin using an Origin Access Identity (OAI) with Amazon CloudFront. In 2017, I […]

Running multicast-enabled containers on AWS

Introduction Multicast is a popular IP-based communication mechanism that is actively employed in many industry verticals, including finance, media, telco, transportation, and others. This post describes how to enable multicast in container environments orchestrated by Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS). Although Amazon ECS is a fully managed container orchestration service, some additional steps must be […]

AWS Direct Connect monitoring and failover with Anomaly Detection

As enterprises move to the Cloud, having a reliable network connection to their on-premises data centers is fundamental. In this post, I show how to monitor your AWS Direct Connect links and initiate remediation (including automatic failover) when degradation in end-to-end path quality (packet loss, high latency) is detected. Multiple Direct Connect links at separate […]

Bring Your IPv6 Address Space to Amazon VPC IP Address Manager (IPAM)

Introduction Every device, resource, and workload connected to an Internet Protocol-based network depends on its IP address to communicate. The public and private IPv4 addressing space exhaustion, organizational mandates, and the need to provide service availability to IPv6-only clients drive an increasing number of organizations to adopt IPv6 in their environments. A well-managed IP address […]

Calculating data transfer leveraging Amazon VPC flow logs

Introduction There are several factors that contribute towards your overall costs incurred in AWS cloud. When it comes to networking, many customers ask about data transfer charges. You pay a Data Transfer charge when you send data out from AWS to Internet, between AWS Regions, or between Availability Zones (AZ). Today, there are multiple ways […]

Introducing AWS Cloud WAN (Preview)

Update 7/12/22: AWS Cloud WAN is now generally available. Today, AWS announced the preview release of a new networking service, AWS Cloud WAN. Cloud WAN is a managed wide area networking (WAN) service that makes it easy for you to build, manage, and monitor a global network that connects resources running across your cloud and […]

Introducing AWS Direct Connect SiteLink

SiteLink, a new feature of AWS Direct Connect (DX), makes it easy to send data from one Direct Connect location to another, bypassing AWS Regions. If you recall, Direct Connect is a cloud service that links your network to AWS, bypassing the internet to deliver more consistent, lower-latency performance. Prior to SiteLink, it was not […]

AWS Transit Gateway now supports Intra-Region Peering

AWS Transit Gateway now supports Intra-Region Peering

Introduction When we first released AWS Transit Gateway in 2018, it started with support for Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and Site-to-Site VPN attachments. Customers loved the simplicity of deploying hub-and-spoke architectures, built-in resiliency and high availability, and the ability to scale to thousands of attachments using a single gateway. Thereafter we followed with […]

Amazon CloudFront introduces Response Headers Policies

Introduction Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) that delivers static and dynamic web content using a global network of edge locations. Customers benefit from better performance, reliability, and increased security of their web applications by including CloudFront in their architecture. The ability to easily modify and manage response headers has been a common […]

Dual-stack IPv6 architectures for AWS and hybrid networks

Introduction An increasing number of organizations are adopting IPv6 in their environments, driven by the public IPv4 space exhaustion, private IPv4 scarcity, especially within large-scale networks, and the need to provide service availability to IPv6-only clients. An intermediary step in the path to fully supporting IPv6 are dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 designs, which leverage both versions of […]