AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Architecture

Improving the customer experience for high-traffic public services: An architecture guidance

Improving the customer experience (CX) has emerged as an imperative for government agencies. In this blog post, learn an architecture pattern that public institutions can use to improve CX while building and deploying secure, resilient, and performant web applications that support sudden surges in demand for public services. This architecture pattern addresses the need of an example use case in which an agency must request information from thousands to millions of civilians, who may access a single-page application at similar times, and then sends email notifications to each civilian to confirm their activity.

Designing an educational big data analysis architecture with AWS

In this blog post, learn a high-level architecture, built on AWS, that uses a graph database to analyze unstructured and structured educational data that can, for example, help inform a recommendation to a student for the appropriate courses to take in their next semester based on multiple personalized data factors.

Now available: New AWS program supporting nonprofit donor and member engagement

As one-time donations increasingly become the norm, nonprofit development teams are challenged to think outside-the-box to attract, retain, and communicate with their valuable supporters. Nonprofit organizations can use data to inform an enhanced engagement strategy, but many are challenged to unlock the full value of that data affordably and at scale. To help nonprofits use the cloud to build innovative fundraising and member engagement solutions, we are launching a new program – AWS TechAction.

Enhance the citizen experience with deep learning-powered suggestions

Citizens want to report issues to their local governments in a fast and simple manner and not have to worry about identifying the right government agency or phone number—for instance, if a fire hydrant is broken, or a road sign has fallen over. In this blog post, learn how to set up a solution with AWS deep learning services that creates a fluid experience for reporting and addressing these issues.

How to improve government customer experience by building a modern serverless web application in AWS GovCloud (US)

Modern applications built using microservices architectures improve customer experience by dramatically reducing the risk of failures in a web application. In this blog post, we present a sample AWS reference architecture of a microservices application built using an architecture framework based in AWS GovCloud (US), which can help support adherence to a Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) High Baseline.

Virtualizing satellite communication operations with AWS

Virtualizing the satellite ground station with cloud technology can increase scalability, flexibility, and operational agility for satellite communications (satcom) operations. This blog post describes how AWS can help satcom customers virtualize their ground stations that are directly connected to satellite antenna systems. This post details the benefits of decoupling satellite ground station hardware and software components to improve scalability and flexibility. This post also presents a reference architecture to virtualize the satcom ground segment after the satellite signal is digitized at both ends of communication.

Architecture framework for transforming federal customer experience and service delivery

Customer experience (CX) has emerged as a key priority in the US following the 2021 Biden Administration Executive Order (EO) to transform federal customer experience and service delivery. Application modernization enables agencies to simplify business processes and provide customers with flexible, interactive, and simple to use applications, resulting in improved CX. In this blog post, we present an AWS architecture framework that agencies can use to develop and deploy a modern application that helps improve CX.

Getting started with healthcare data lakes: Using microservices

Data lakes can help hospitals and healthcare organizations turn data into insights and maintain business continuity, while preserving patient privacy. This blog post is part of a larger series about getting started with setting up a healthcare data lake. In this blog post, I detail how the solution has evolved at a foundational level over the series to include microservices. I describe the design decisions I’ve made and the additional features used. You can access code samples for this solution through a GitHub repo for reference.

Virtualizing the satellite ground segment with AWS

As the number of spacecraft and spacecraft missions accelerates, moving aerospace and satellite operations to the cloud via digital transformation — including virtualizing the ground segment — is key for economic viability. In this blog post, we explain the benefits of virtualizing the ground segment in the cloud and present the core components of a reference architecture that uses AWS to support several stages of a comprehensive ground segment virtualization. Then, working from this model, we present additional reference architectures for virtualizing the ground segment that can accommodate various requirements and usage scenarios.