AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: EdTechs

Dr C Palanivelu, Chairman, Gem Hospital & Research Center, addressing the audience during the virtual conference

Mediknit delivers high-def global surgery workshop with AWS Media Services

Mediknit is an online academy marketplace for healthcare professionals to access on-demand, need-based upskilling programs and professional development programs created by verified educators across the globe. In collaboration with GEM Institute of Laparoscopy and Robotic Surgery, Mediknit provides live surgery streams via the GEM Televersity portal for the continuing medical education (CME) needs of surgeons. With AWS, Mediknit scaled to meet the demand to provide this streaming solution across the globe.

Young woman holding a notebook in front of a board in a classroom

Education transforming like never before

In 2020, education transformed like never before. Educational institutions needed to be able to provide students, teachers, and staff with immediate access to education and AWS helped customers and partners modernize their systems and applications and reach learners remotely, quickly, and at scale. In 2021, innovation continues in the world of teaching, learning, and research—as well as the use of technology to automate processes and drive better student outcomes.

Mosaic Learning Amazon IVS

Bringing low-latency livestreaming to education with Amazon IVS

With in-person collaboration limited for much of 2020 and the foreseeable future, educational institutions have embraced new virtual means to connect with students and deliver information like classroom lectures, conferences, and dissertation presentations online. Recognizing the value and importance of high quality virtual collaboration, educational technology companies (EdTech) have been working to maintain the benefits of an in-person experience, for speakers as well as audiences, in online environments. Inspired by the increased demand for sophisticated virtual collaboration solutions, EdTech Mosaic Learning built and integrated new Amazon Web Services (AWS) features into its custom platform tailored for delivering dynamic video experiences at scale.

hands hold paper college application form next to an open laptop

Ellucian and Troy University: Automating processes for greater efficiency and innovation

Now, students have an even higher expectation for seamless digital experiences to register for classes, apply for financial aid, and access social services right from their phones—anywhere, anytime. As institutions scrambled to fulfill student demand and convert workflows to digital, COVID-19 made administrators aware of the need to create flexibility, help staff work as efficiently as possible, and overhaul processes. Read on to learn how Troy University used AWS Partner Ellucian Workflow to digitize important protocols and improve service to students and prospective students while reducing manual errors.

Global Founders TestWe CollegeDekho

EdTechs evolve college admissions and testing processes for students

AWS EdStart Members—Clément Régnier, co-founder and CEO of TestWe in France, and Ruchir Arora, founder and CEO of CollegeDekho in India—are simplifying and reducing the exam and college admissions process for students. TestWe creates a secure, offline, and comfortable exam experience for students. CollegeDekho acts as the liaison between colleges and students, connecting students with an array of services through the college admission process. Read on to learn how these founders are developing the next generation of education solutions.

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Increasing student engagement through new visual presentation development and test taking tools

AWS EdStart Members—Chema Roldan, co- founder and CTO of in Spain and Leonardo Prates, co-founder and CEO of Studos in Brazil—are enhancing the classroom experience for students and teachers. is focused on enabling students and teachers to create and deliver digital presentations. Studos is focused on helping students enhance their test performance through automatic feedback using AI. Read on to learn how these founders are developing the next generation of education solutions in the AWS Cloud.

woman taking test on computer

Using the cloud to support remote proctoring and assessment

Around the world, exams are administered to help students and adults further their education and advance their careers. In the US, approximately eight million high school students took a single standardized college entrance exam in 2019. As the pandemic shifted life to virtual work and learning, it also interrupted high stakes exams typically administered in person. For years, EdTechs like ExamSoft, Sumadi (part of Laureate Education), and ProctorFree have been developing remote proctoring and digital assessment solutions using the cloud.

One on One reach

Meeting Caribbean learners’ needs with secure, resilient platform built on AWS

As a result of COVID-19, the Jamaican Ministry of Education, Youth and Information (MOEY) selected One on One as the country’s official virtual school to expand online learning across the country. One on One Educational Services (One on One), a Jamaica-based, an e-learning solutions provider operating across the Caribbean, meets learners’ needs with their secure, resilient learning management platform built on AWS. The platform helped 44,025 students complete their school curriculum, despite the pandemic’s classroom disruption. One on One for Classroom® reached a peak of 12,000 students in attendance on a single day and 235,520 students in attendance throughout the entire period.

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EdTech startups are making education more affordable and accessible to students at scale

AWS EdStart Members and founders—Tan Han Sing, founder of Tueetor, and Sanjay Srivastava, founder of Vocareum—are making educational resources more accessible to students at scale. Han Sing is focused on affordably connecting learners from all backgrounds with trainers, while Sanjay is focused on closing the global digital skills gap by providing turnkey virtual labs for higher education, tech training, demo, and assessment.

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AI-powered speech recognition is creating interactive learning experiences for children and adults

AWS EdStart Members and founders Long Qin of Singsound and Elnaz Sarraf of ROYBI are using artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize early language learning. Long, based out of Beijing, China, is dedicated to providing accessible and quality English education to every family throughout China. Elnaz, based out of San Francisco, CA, United States, is dedicated to changing the one-size-fits-all approach of our global education system.