AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Education

IceCube Experiment and University of California

AWS helps researchers study “messages” from the universe

Researchers at the IceCube Experiment and University of California, San Diego just completed the largest cloud simulation in history using 51,500 cloud GPUs including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) On-Demand and Spot Instances to understand messages from the universe. The IceCube experiment searches for ghost-like massless particles called neutrinos deep within the ice at the South Pole using a unique buried cubic kilometer-size telescope consisting of 5,160 optical sensors.

OSU OK students at computer

OSU-OKC upskills its workforce and drives real-time decision making with live reporting and analytical modeling

Oklahoma State University in Oklahoma City (OSU-OKC), a two-year, technical-focused college, has historically faced challenges with consistent reporting, database management, and analytics. Technology generalists hired to do these tasks required extensive training to successfully extract data from traditional student information systems, manipulate data for state and federal compliance reporting, and generate limited campus reporting for operational or academic program review and analysis.

Photo by Erika Gronek, ASU

Students across Arizona participate in a statewide robotics hackathon

In collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and NVIDIA, Arizona State University (ASU) hosted its first-ever robotics hackathon. At the Arizona Robo Hackathon, 64 undergraduate and graduate students across seven institutions came together to compete in an Arizona statewide competition hosted on AWS. By the end of the hackathon, students successfully applied their knowledge of computer science, engineering, and programming skills in robotics and artificial intelligence (AI) application development.

Top tips for building the workforce of tomorrow

To keep up with rapid technological advancement and the new world of work, current and future generations of leaders should be equipped with the right skills and mindset. Innovating in classrooms and beyond and creating citizen-centric services means taking advantage of the latest technology. It also means empowering the people who build and use it. AWS created resources that demonstrate paths to achieving a more diverse and prepared workforce – and how tech can help.

Serverless GPS monitoring system screengrab

Creating a serverless GPS monitoring and alerting solution

To help solve a few challenges I faced with my family, including the need to track the location of a child, I needed a serverless global positioning system (GPS) monitoring solution. Commercial geographic monitoring GPS solutions are not cost-effective because of the cost of digital map licenses from third parties and running servers around the clock. Existing GPS systems work with proprietary GPS devices that lock-in the users’ vendors’ devices. My solution? Build my own serverless GPS monitoring and alerting solution.

FIRST® connects K12 students to cloud services for robotics competitions through AWS Educate

Amazon Web Services (AWS) and FIRST®, a global robotics community, launched an initiative to provide students with cloud-related learning content and resources on subjects from storage to machine learning. The AWS Educate program, featuring computer science and cloud content, is now available to all volunteer mentors and students ages 14 and up participating in FIRST Robotics Competition and FIRST Tech Challenge.

students on laptops birds eye view

New initiative with Ellucian and AWS designed to speed and simplify higher education’s transformation to the cloud

Ellucian announced the launch of a new initiative in collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS) designed to both streamline and accelerate digital transformation and cloud adoption for higher education. The initiative – the Cloud Acceleration program – is available for a limited time to all Ellucian Banner and Ellucian Colleague on-premises customers considering moving to the cloud during 2020.

Dot net guy at computer

Five best practices for building .NET on AWS

Amazon Web Services (AWS) knows how to run .NET applications, and provides .NET developers with resources for building, testing, deploying, and running their .NET applications. Watch our on-demand webinars to learn about migrating and building serverless or container-based apps on AWS. For .NET developers new to AWS, it is important to know about the tools, […]

University in California exterior photo

AWS and CITE showcase commitment to student data privacy through the California AB 1584 Compliance Addendum

This month, Amazon Web Services (AWS) and California IT in Education (CITE, formerly CETPA) announced the new California AB 1584 Compliance Addendum, a contract addendum available to AWS customers in California that are required to affirm compliance with California Assembly Bill 1584 (AB 1584) in California Education Code Section 49073.1.