AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: education

Empowering education with critical infrastructure for remote learning and work

Empowering education with infrastructure for remote learning and work

Education ministries, colleges, and schools around the world are rapidly adopting remote learning and working to maintain business continuity and provide students with continued access to education. From quickly scaling learning management systems and launching virtual classrooms to upskilling educators and setting up remote help-desks, AWS and its education technology partners are providing mission-critical infrastructure that is enabling our customers to continue delivering against their missions, safely and efficiently. From Italy to Bahrain to the United States, check out these stories.

Securing your AWS Cloud environments from ransomware

Securing your AWS Cloud environment from ransomware: New eBook available

Organizations around the world are making headlines after falling victim to ransomware attacks. Ransomware is malicious code designed to gain unauthorized access to systems and data and encrypt that data to block access by legitimate users. A newly released eBook, “Securing your AWS environments from ransomware,” shares who is at risk and why ransomware is effective, whether to pay or not pay the ransom, and how customers can automatically inherit certain security controls by building on AWS.

Athabasca University

Mission: Connection and access for all

From school districts to researchers to governments, our customers are maintaining business and educational continuity while being focused on protecting their citizens, students, and patients. How can we provide equal access to high-quality learning opportunities to all? How can we remove barriers set by distance and circumstance? How can we make services more accessible for everyone regardless of language, location, or differing learning needs? We believe the cloud can help.

Moving to virtual classrooms: Here’s how EdTechs can help

Over the past few weeks, I have been inspired by the vast community of EdTech companies who have stepped up to transform learning for millions of students around the world. During this unprecedented time of temporary and sustained school closings, virtual classrooms have become a necessity to ensure that teachers and students stay connected, and students continue their education. Whether schools need tools to keep administration offices, educators, and students connected, or need to deploy learning management systems, our EdTech Partners have a number of solutions.

How to build a chatbot for your school in less than an hour

Your students have questions and you want to get them answers quickly and easily. With the rise in remote learning and education, virtual solutions such as chatbots are one way to make information available on-demand—anywhere and anytime. Did you know that you can create a Q&A chatbot for your educational institution in less than an hour?

Researcher working from home

Resources for researchers and institutions to work remotely

The rapidly changing and dynamic global health situation has impacted the lives of many people including researchers at universities and institutions worldwide. Many academic institutions are migrating to remote operations. Researchers are processing data, collaborating online, and trying to maintain labs remotely. Amazon and AWS are responding to these events in support of our communities and deploying resources and technology to enable remote learning and home working.

Amazon Chime science fair

Student science fair goes virtual with Amazon Chime

In light of COVID-19, the Santa Clara Valley Science and Engineering Fair Association (SCVSEFA) was faced with the difficult decision of cancelling or postponing this year’s event to prevent the spread of the virus. A parent of a middle school student, an AWS employee, suggested that video conferencing might be used and connected the event planners with the Amazon Chime team. Within a week, the SCVSEFA and the Amazon Chime teams worked together to hold the science fair virtually.

artificial intelligence and machine learning

Exploring the future of AI and ML in the public sector

From accelerating genomics research to addressing the teacher shortage to improving commutes, artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are fueling digital transformation in the government, education, nonprofit, and healthcare sectors. Austin Tanney, head of AI at Kainos, shared his ML learnings and where he sees the technology going.

AWS Educate Educator Mobilizer Initiative Photo by Christin Hume on Unsplash

AWS Educate mobilizes global educator network to support remote learning with no cost resources

To help the global education community during a period of increased remote learning, AWS Educate is launching an “Educator Mobilization” initiative to provide resources that support educators as they migrate to virtual instruction. Launching the week of April 6th, resources will include webinars hosted by educators who are members of AWS Educate with expertise teaching in online classrooms, as well as virtual office hours.