AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: research

A team of researchers appear excited over a new discovery.

How to optimize costs for grant-based research projects with AWS

As the number of research workloads in the cloud grows, researchers face challenges in managing strict budgets with unpredictable workloads and fluctuating needs. Researchers must be frugal with time and money to further their goals in performing cutting-edge and important research. AWS provides many methods for effective cost management that can support organizations in their efforts to optimize the use of grant-based funds.

Visualize data lake address datasets on a map with Amazon Athena and Amazon Location Service geocoding

Many public sector customers in government, healthcare, and life sciences have data lakes that contain addresses (e.g., 123 Main Street). These customers frequently ask how they can quickly visualize these addresses on a geographic map to get a more intuitive understanding of how these addresses are distributed. In this post, learn how to use Amazon Athena and Amazon Location Service to perform ad hoc geocoding on an example dataset and visualize these geocoded addresses on an Amazon QuickSight map.

How JDRF uses AWS to power Type 1 diabetes research

Advances in technology are transforming the way health research can be conducted. It is now possible to integrate data from siloed sources into a data lake, a central repository where health data are aggregated and analyzed at scale. Now, more than ever, there are opportunities for collaborative research to accelerate life-saving medical innovation – and that’s exactly what JDRF International, the leading global Type 1 Diabetes research and advocacy organization, is doing with AWS.

Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK, accelerates search for new vaccines with AWS

Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), is a Nobel Award-winning Inter-University Research Institute, and one of the world’s leading accelerator research institutes. To further help researchers understand human biology, AWS and KEK recently announced a collaboration to develop GoToCloud, a KEK-led cloud platform that makes protein analysis faster and more cost-effective, boosting KEK’s research efforts and improving our understanding of disease. This initiative has also accelerated the digital transformation of Japan’s scientific research infrastructure, helping scientists discover new medicines and produce world-class research results using cloud technology.

How to set up MATLAB parallel cloud computing on AWS for researchers

Many researchers use MATLAB® from MathWorks, a programming and numeric computing platform, to analyze data, develop algorithms, and create models. As a researcher, you can leverage AWS to expand available computational resources right from your desktop or laptop. In this blog post, we walk through how to integrate MathWorks Cloud Center with AWS in order to accelerate scientific computation and innovation.

Accelerating and democratizing research with the AWS Cloud

The cloud is changing the way we do research—accelerating the pace of innovation, democratizing access to data, and allowing researchers and scientists to scale, work collaboratively, and make new discoveries from which we may all benefit. Researchers from around the world look to the AWS Cloud for customer-focused, pioneering, and secure solutions for their toughest challenges. Discover how customers in Latin America and Canada use AWS for research.

MeitY Quantum Computing Applications Lab (QCAL) boosts scientific and industry focus for its second cohort

In India, the Quantum Computing Applications Lab (QCAL), a collaboration between the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) and AWS, announced that it will strengthen its scientific research and industry focus for its second cohort, through new support from the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser (PSA) to the Government of India, as well as Indian advanced technology consultancies and AWS Partners Mphasis and Fractal. The MeitY QCAL will accept applications for the second cohort later this month.

Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation uses AWS to advance cutting-edge pediatric cancer research worldwide

In 2017, the Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF) founded the Childhood Cancer Data Lab (Data Lab) to address an important gap in the pediatric cancer field: vast amounts of accumulated data were not being put to use at scale. To address this gap, the Data Lab used AWS to build, an openly available collection of normalized bulk gene expression data, to make public datasets interoperable and reusable.