AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: serverless

Empty school hallway with lockers

Improving school safety: How the cloud is helping K12 students in the wake of violent incidents in schools

Research shows that students who feel safe are more likely to be engaged at school and be more successful in all aspects of life – not just academics. But students are dealing with the reality of increased violence in schools – finding it more difficult to feel safe. Administrator concerns in the wake of school violence have made school safety a top priority in K12. One collaboration is delivering a safer learning environment for students through a scalable, highly secure, and innovative cloud services solution.

Connect Our Kids People Search system architecture

Finding kids in foster care permanent homes: AWS powers People Search by Connect Our Kids

Connect Our Kids, a Virginia-based 501 (c)(3) nonprofit organization, is using technology to connect children in foster care with permanent homes with People Search. People Search is a free search engine powered by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that makes it easier for social workers to find people connected to the child.

Serverless GPS monitoring system screengrab

Creating a serverless GPS monitoring and alerting solution

To help solve a few challenges I faced with my family, including the need to track the location of a child, I needed a serverless global positioning system (GPS) monitoring solution. Commercial geographic monitoring GPS solutions are not cost-effective because of the cost of digital map licenses from third parties and running servers around the clock. Existing GPS systems work with proprietary GPS devices that lock-in the users’ vendors’ devices. My solution? Build my own serverless GPS monitoring and alerting solution.

Name the Rover contest image

Name the next Mars Rover – enter the Mars 2020 Name the Rover essay contest

Know a student in kindergarten through 12th grade? They could name the next Mars Rover. Eligible students can submit a 150-word essay with their Mars Rover name suggestion to the NASA via the Mars 2020 Mission – Name the Rover Contest website. Submissions are due by November 1, 2019. After a finalist from each U.S. state is announced, the public will vote on a final winner. The winner will be announced in February 2020.

Evolving to a Microservices Architecture in Public Sector IT Organizations: Phasing in Containers and Serverless for Microsoft .NET Applications

Imagine this scenario: it’s the last day to file a business permit renewal. You are a small business owner who goes online, completes a renewal form, and clicks “submit.” Behind the scenes, processing ensues. While you wait for the business permit to be processed, you wonder why the system doesn’t instantly accept and approve your form. Why not have the back-end processing take place separately so you can receive a notification a few minutes later with your permit attached?

How Serverless Is Solving Congress’ Full Voicemail Box Problem

Hearing “this voicemail box is full” on the other end of the phone line when trying to reach your member of Congress should not stop constituent voices from being heard. The U.S Congress has been facing this problem for a long time now, causing not only a challenge in community engagement, but also Congressional staff endless headaches. What if the solution was the use of a new serverless application? Article One is doing just that.

Faster IT at Fractional Cost: Spin Up a Serverless Solution to Support Election Night for Just $25

From viewing election results to monitoring stock transactions, government, education, and nonprofits are adopting serverless for increased agility and lower costs. Election night presents a challenge for city and county administrators across America. Voters, party workers, journalists, and constituents converge to a precinct’s website to view election results.

Genomic and Medical Big Data Go Serverless

Serverless architecture remains on the rise. From simple Alexa Skills to advanced web services, our customers’ use cases are innovative and diverse. Take Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)’s genomics research, for example. “AWS has become versatile and interoperable making it possible to set up complex research workflows as serverless web services,” says CSIRO’s Dr. Denis Bauer. Dr. Bauer and her team created a bioinformatics research tool, GT-Scan2, which Jeff Barr featured two years ago as one of the first examples of serverless architecture for compute-intensive tasks.