AWS Security Blog
Unauthorized tactic spotlight: Initial access through a third-party identity provider
Security is a shared responsibility between Amazon Web Services (AWS) and you, the customer. As a customer, the services you choose, how you connect them, and how you run your solutions can impact your security posture.
To help customers fulfill their responsibilities and find the right balance for their business, under the shared responsibility model, AWS provides strong default configurations, offers guidance such as the AWS Well-Architected Framework and Customer Compliance Guides, and offers a number of security services.
As part of our work, the AWS Customer Incident Response Team (AWS CIRT) observes tactics and techniques used by various threat actors that leverage unintended customer configurations. Understanding these tactics can help inform your design decisions, help improve your response plans, and help you detect these situations if they occur in your environment.
This blog post dives into some of the recent techniques used by threat actors that leverage specific customer configurations or design to make unauthorized use of resources within an AWS account. We’ll explain the techniques, the customer configurations that created the opportunity, and the AWS features and services you can use to help mitigate the impact of the tactics.
Technique overview
Identity federation is a system of trust between two parties for the purpose of authenticating users and conveying the information needed to authorize their access to resources. In simpler terms, this optional feature allows you to use one central system (an identity store) for all of your users and groups (note that it is possible to configure more than one identity provider for a given AWS account at one time if you wish to do so). You can then grant those identities permissions to your AWS resources by using that trust relationship.
Prerequisites for the event
In order for a threat actor to gain initial access into an AWS account during this type of security event, a third-party IdP must be configured to manage access to an AWS account (or a series of AWS accounts in an organization) through federation. The threat actor must also have gained the ability to write to the customer’s identity store with the third-party IdP (for example, they can create a user, have compromised a sufficiently privileged user, and so on).
When an IdP is configured to access an AWS account, permissions to access resources within that AWS account can be granted to users that have been authenticated by the IdP. This means that AWS uses the preconfigured trust with the IdP when it comes to performing the user identification (such as username, password, and multi-factor authentication (MFA)). With this technique, the threat actor uses the third-party IdP user’s access to obtain authenticated access to modify and create resources in the customer’s linked AWS accounts. This scenario is possible if, for example, the threat actor can create a user in the IdP’s identity store, or if they have obtained access to a privileged user’s credentials already in the identity store.
Detection and analysis opportunities
There are multiple ways that you may be able to find evidence of threat actors’ activities in this type of scenario. The challenge for customers is differentiating between the actions taken by a threat actor, and actions taken in the course of normal operations. The primary source of evidence for customer actions and threat actor activities is AWS CloudTrail, though Amazon GuardDuty and AWS Config also have detections that may be of assistance.
AWS CloudTrail
Your investigation should start by reviewing the CloudTrail event history for specific API calls. The following is a list of some calls (including various request parameters and field values) that have been associated with this tactic.
Remember, during security events there may be other API calls present that could indicate potential threat actor activity. In this post, we’re focusing only on the API calls related to this initial access tactic.
In the organization management account, threat actors leverage actions such as the following:
- UpdateTrail – This action is used to update CloudTrail trail settings, such as what events you are logging, and which bucket is to be used for log delivery. Threat actors use this API endpoint to change or reduce the logging of subsequent API calls.
- PutEventSelectors – This API call is used to configure which events are selected for a specific CloudTrail trail. AWS CIRT has observed this situation in cases where event selections were configured to deactivate logging for management events for trails configured in some accounts, and to only log read-only events in others (as opposed to write events such as DeleteBucket and RunInstances). The requestParameters field in the event record outlines which selectors were requested for configuration, as shown in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Event selectors set to ReadOnly
Figure 2 displays a CloudTrail event record for the PutEventSelectors action where the includeManagementEvents parameter is set to false.
Figure 2: Event selectors with the includeManagementEvents parameter set to false
- StartSSO – This action is recorded when IAM Identity Center is initialized by the threat actor to expand their access into the organization. This event is significant, because this is an uncommon action and can raise awareness of potential malicious activity if this event was not authorized earlier.
- CreateUser – This API call is logged when the threat actor creates a user. While the CreateUser action can use an eventSource of, when the CreateUser API is issued by an identity store, the eventSource will be listed as The record for this event, shown in Figure 3, does not actually contain the name of the user created. However, it does contain elements that you can use to determine the username for the user created.
- CreateGroup and AddMemberToGroup – The first action creates a group within a specified identity store, and the second action adds members to it (note that these two specific actions use an event source of
- CreatePermissionSet – This action creates a set of permissions within a specified IAM Identity Center instance that can be applied to a member account in an organization to enable access to resources in that member account. The duration of sessions authorized by the permission set is indicated by the sessionDuration value (in the example in Figure 5, this is set to the maximum duration of 12 hours).
- CreateAccountAssignment – This API call assigns access to a principal for an AWS member account that uses a specified permission set, usually the permission set created in the previous action. The request parameters for this action, shown in Figure 7, include the member account ID in the targetId field, the permissionSetArn, and the principalType – either a USER or GROUP. This activity was logged multiple times—each one for a different target member account.
Figure 7: CloudTrail event for CreateAccountAssignment
- CreateSAMLProvider – Creates an identity provider that supports SAML 2.0.
- AttachRolePolicy – Attaches the specified managed policy to the specified IAM role.
- CreateRole – Creates a new role in your AWS account.
- CreateAccessKey – This action was used to create an access key for a user under the control of the threat actor.
- GetFederationToken – The threat actor assumed the identity of the user referenced in the previous step for which access keys were created, then called the GetFederationToken API action to create temporary credentials. These temporary credentials were then used by the threat actor to continue making unauthorized actions under a new name as identified by the –name parameter specified in the GetFederationToken event that is logged in CloudTrail (see Figure 8). The GetFederationToken event also includes other details, such as the policy that was assigned to the session, the duration of the session, and the accessKeyID generated from the GetFederationToken invocation.
Figure 8: CloudTrail event for GetFederationToken
- CredentialChallenge, CredentialVerification, and UserAuthentication – These actions are part of the IAM Identity Center sign-in procedure and are displayed in CloudTrail when users sign in with IAM Identity Center.
- Authenticate – This API call is associated with the IAM Identity Center sign-in procedure and indicates which user is authenticated by the event in the userIdentity.userName field in the CloudTrail event record, as shown in Figure 8.
Figure 9: Name of user being authenticated
- Federate – This API call is logged in CloudTrail when a user signs in with the IAM Identity Center AWS Access Portal and selects the Management console option, as shown in Figure 9. (A Federate event is not recorded if the Command line or programmatic access option is selected.)
Figure 10: Signing in through the AWS Access Portal
- AssumeRoleWithSAML – This event record is related to the CreateSAMLProvider action taken in step 7a. It returns a set of temporary security credentials for users who have been authenticated through a SAML authentication response.
- ConsoleLogin – This action is recorded by CloudTrail when a user signs in to the AWS Management Console.

Figure 3: CloudTrail event record for CreateUser event
Using the AWS CLI, you can retrieve the actual username requested by the CreateUser action by using the identityStoreId and the userId in the following command:
Figure 4 shows the results of using the command.

Figure 4: Determining an identity store username from UserId
Use this username to filter the CloudTrail event history in the member accounts. That will reduce the events shown to just those taken by this specific user, making it easier to map out the actions taken during this event.

Figure 5: CloudTrail event record for CreatePermissionSet action
To find out specifically what policies were assigned during the permission set creation, you can look for the permission set in the AWS Management Console, or use the AWS CLI command aws sso-admin list-managed-policies-in-permission-set, using the IAM Identity Center instance ARN and permission set ARN as parameters. (This CLI command displays only AWS managed policies. To see customer managed policies or inline policies, use the aws sso-admin get-inline-policy-for-permission-set or the aws sso-admin list-customer-managed-policy-references-in-permission-set CLI commands). Figure 6 shows the output of this command.

Figure 6: Determining policy for permission set
When the threat actor calls the CreateAccountAssignment action in the organization’s management account, the following actions are automatically taken in the organization’s member accounts:
Additionally, you may see the following actions associated with this tactic in an organization’s member accounts:
Amazon GuardDuty
If Amazon GuardDuty is turned on, a finding of Stealth:IAMUser/CloudTrailLoggingDisabled will be triggered when a CloudTrail trail is configured to stop logging. GuardDuty can also inform you of anomalous API requests observed in your account with the InitialAccess:IAMUser/AnomalousBehavior finding type. For more information on finding types, see Understanding Amazon GuardDuty findings.
AWS Config
You can configure AWS Config rules to monitor and evaluate the compliance of specific AWS configurations. For example, the cloudtrail-security-trail-enabled rule will check for CloudTrail trails that are defined according to security best practices, such as recording both read and write events, and recording management events. You can then configure these rules with an Amazon Simple Notification Service (Amazon SNS) topic to deliver notifications in the event of non-compliance. It is also possible to create custom rules in AWS Config to monitor and evaluate additional configurations. For further information on how to create AWS Config Custom rules, see AWS Config Custom Rules.
Mitigating the impact of the event
If the threat actor has an ability to write to your identity store, whether through a compromised third-party provider, a compromised identity store, or because the threat actor created the identity store, you need to make sure that you are in control of privileged actions. It’s your top priority to establish authority over your AWS Organizations organization before attempting to remove the federated access vector. The threat actor can undermine any remediation you perform if they persist in your organization’s management account.
The actions that are aligned with these top priorities are the following:
- Control of the organization’s management account root user: If you do not have control of the password and the MFA token (or tokens) for the management account root user, contact AWS support.
- Enforcement of control over an environment that is using AWS Organizations: The level of enforcement you apply in the early stages of your mitigation efforts will be determined by your business continuity plans, because these enforcement actions can disrupt your workloads.
- If you can tolerate the prevention of new, mutating actions from being taken within your organization, you can apply the following service control policy (SCP) to your organizational root. An important point to note is that SCPs do not apply to the management account, which is why our recommendations state, “use the management account only for tasks that require the management account.” This SCP enforces its constraints only for the child organizational units (OUs) and accounts of the organizational root, which is why the first step in this impact mitigation process was making sure that you control the root user for the management account.
Within this SCP, you can see an exemption made for two break-glass roles. Where break-glass access is needed, these roles will need to be created before the SCP is applied. Break-glass access refers to a quick means for a person who does not have access privileges to certain AWS accounts to gain access in exceptional circumstances by using an approved process. (For more information on creating break-glass access for your organization, see this AWS whitepaper).
- If you only have tolerance for a partial disruption of non-critical or production workloads, you can reduce and adjust the scope of the SCP to your tolerance level. Apply the same SCP only to those non-production, non-critical organizational units, or even only on individual AWS accounts, as shown in Figure 10.
Figure 11: AWS Organizations levels for service control policies
- Regardless of your business continuity tolerance, at a minimum, apply an SCP similar to the following one to your organization root, in order to invalidate sessions and temporary tokens. (Make sure that the value of the aws:TokenIssueTime parameter in the SCP is set to the current date and time and uses the ISO 8601 format.) Consider that this SCP includes any and all sessions and tokens in the organization in its scope, and consider the impact if there are dependencies on sessions or tokens that are not auto-renewing.
The following example SCP denies all actions, on all resources, for any session authenticating with a token issued before 2024-06-20 21:55:34 UTC..
This blog post explains how to revoke federated users’ active AWS sessions.
- Removing the federated access vector: Once you’ve recovered some control over your organization by using the preceding actions, you can mitigate two of the federated access vector scenarios with the same action. If the access vector is a threat actor–created identity store, it is a non-disruptive choice to remove that identity store.
If instead your identity store was compromised, and this identity store is the primary or sole method for authorization, deleting it from your AWS account could impact your production environments and business continuity.
- Deletion of a threat actor–created identity store: This is a permanent action that cannot be undone. User and group data associated with the deleted identity store is permanently removed. This includes user profiles, group memberships, and any other user- or group-related information. Any users or groups that were previously granted access to AWS resources or services through the deleted identity store will lose that access. Any permissions or roles assigned to users or groups from the deleted identity store will be revoked.
For instructions, see Delete your IAM Identity Center instance.
- Removal of the third-party IdP from your federation configuration: When you remove a third-party IdP from your IAM Identity Center instance, any authentication and authorization flows that were using the third-party IdP for federated access to AWS resources will be disrupted. All user and group data that was previously synchronized from the third-party IdP to IAM Identity Center is removed. Any user profiles, group memberships, and other user- or group-related information from the third-party IdP will no longer be available in IAM Identity Center.
You can perform the removal of the third-party IdP by changing your identity source in IAM Identity Center from an external IdP to IAM Identity Center itself. For instructions, see Change your identity source in the IAM Identity Center User Guide.
- Regardless of your previous decisions, you should make sure that there are no other methods of federation enablement within your environment. There are three other limited methods of federation into AWS. These methods don’t provide account access or privileges like the vectors mentioned earlier, but you should still review for them. One method is with an Amazon Connect instance, as described in this blog post. A second method is through an account instance of IAM Identity Center, as described in this blog post. The third method is to create an identity provider by using IAM within an individual account, which a threat actor can do by using OIDC federation or SAML 2.0 federation (look for the event names CreateOpenIDConnectProvider, CreateSAMLProvider or CreateInstance in your account’s CloudTrail event history to identify whether this has occurred).
- If you don’t want to disconnect IAM Identity Center entirely, another option is to remove permission sets that are assigned individually to each member. See this IAM Identity Center guidance for instructions on removing permission sets. Figure 11 depicts how this action appears in the AWS Management Console.
Figure 12: Permission set removal in IAM Identity Center
- At an even less disruptive level, you can remove the policies attached to the permission sets within IAM Identity Center, using the following steps:
- Open the IAM Identity Center console.
- Under Multi-account permissions, choose Permission sets.
- In the table on the Permission sets page, select the permission set from which you wish to detach the policies.
- On the Permissions tab, select the policies you wish to detach, then choose Detach. A pop-up window will appear (see Figure 12). Choose Detach once more to confirm the detachment of the policy from the permission set.
Figure 13: Managed policy removal from a permission set
If you do have control of the management account root user, make sure that you are in control of all enabled MFA devices for the root user, remove any and all access keys, and immediately rotate the password. See the IAM User Guide for current root user recommendations.
You should be aware that in this scenario where a third-party IdP is compromised, if the identity store that the third-party IdP is connected to is the sole method for authorization, then deleting the third-party IdP configuration could impact your production environments and business continuity.
Regardless of what methods you chose for containment, you want to eradicate the threat actor’s persistent access vectors. The following list outlines the actions that customers can take to perform eradication in their environments:
- Identify and methodically remove any additional forms of access or persistence within your accounts which you did not create or authorize. Generate an IAM credential report for each account and review the results for forms of access to remove.
- Make sure that all non-service-linked roles have their sessions revoked. It isn’t possible to revoke sessions of service-linked roles. Revoking sessions for each role invalidates any credentials a threat actor might have obtained by previously assuming the role. (For instructions on how to perform this programmatically in your account, see the section titled Revoking session permissions before a specified time in the topic Revoking IAM role temporary security credentials.)
- Make sure that you have control of root users for all remaining AWS accounts. As described previously, the results from the IAM credential report will help you quickly identify any unknown MFA devices or access keys. This item is third in this list because it might be a long process if you’ve lost control of the root users. Remember that as long as you have an appropriate SCP applied, actions by the organization member account root users are blocked.
Figure 14: IAM Credential Report sample
We can see in Figure 13 that the root account user does not have an MFA device assigned.
- Before you begin to delete, stop, or terminate workloads, consider taking the opportunity to isolate and perform forensics on any threat actor–created or modified resources and workloads. Although forensics on AWS is beyond the scope of this post, it is described in the AWS Security Incident Response Guide.
If IAM Access Analyzer is enabled, review Access Analyzer for any externally shared resources. During this process, at a minimum, make sure that all static access keys in all accounts are revoked. Also make sure that all IAM users which had static access keys have an inline policy applied that denies access based on the aws:TokenIssueTime, where the value of the aws:TokenIssueTime parameter is set to the current time using the ISO 8601 format.
The sections in this post can help you mitigate, detect, and prepare to respond to events of this type where threat actors leverage specific customer configurations or designs.
Being aware of the tactics used by threat actors, developing and testing an incident response plan, and performing simulations such as tabletop exercises to practice your response are great ways to improve your security posture and practice.
As always, you should measure the guidance provided here against your own security policies and procedures, and should take the business requirements of your organization into consideration.
Additionally, you may want to check your environment to confirm the following:
- You have removed or limited long-term access key usage.
- You have deployed SCPs that prevent unauthorized manipulation of GuardDuty and prevent unauthorized addition of IdPs.
- You have created or updated playbooks that incorporate incident response actions that were performed to recover from the compromise of your IdP.
- You have reviewed permissions to verify that your identities adhere to the principle of least privilege. (This blog post provides further information on how to limit permissions.)
Finally, if you want to learn how you can detect and respond to other types of security issues, such as unauthorized IAM credential use, ransomware on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), and cryptomining, head on over to the AWS CIRT publicly available workshops. (You will need an AWS account to use the workshops.)
Thanks for reading, and stay secure!
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