AWS Smart Business Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

AWS Shared Responsibility Model depicting how customers are responsible for their own data, while AWS is responsible for the infrastructure hosting it.

Is the Cloud Safe for Small and Medium Businesses? Debunking Security Myths

The global workforce is rapidly digitizing. Thanks in part to a pandemic that accelerated the shift to remote work and consumers who demand an optimized supply chain, companies of various sizes are adopting cloud computing to modernize their business and compete in our digital world. However, there is one big question on the minds of […]

Paint store employee using a tablet to lookup products

How Small and Medium Businesses Can Save Money with the Cloud

In the current economic landscape, the cost of doing business around the world is increasing. Companies of all sizes are facing myriad obstacles, including budget constraints, limited resources, supply chain issues, and ever-changing customer expectations. The pressure to cut costs across all areas makes remaining competitive a challenge—especially for small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs). Can […]

Slide depicting how customers are reducing costs, improving outcomes, and managing risk with AWS

Gain Insights: How This Free Analytics Program Can Accelerate Small and Medium Businesses

With customer expectations constantly evolving, average can no longer keep up in today’s competitive landscape. Better, faster insights can help businesses uncover new opportunities to move from average to advanced. Data-driven decision-making can help businesses plan improvements to existing products or services, highlight customer service successes and opportunities for engagement, and be more responsive to […]

Two colleagues sitting side by side in an office completing training in front of a computer monitor

Top Cloud IT Investment Trends for Small and Medium Businesses in 2023

How do the waves of interconnected economic, social, and political disruptions affect small and medium businesses (SMBs)? What key strategies should they be adapting to thrive in such market while still transforming into resilient digital businesses? Global financial challenges have caused systemic changes in the market such as inflation, an IT skills gap, supply chain, […]

Asian woman using mobile device

How Small and Medium Businesses Are Exceeding Customer Expectations with Omnichannel Cloud Solutions

In contact centers, as in life, hindsight is always 20/20. It is not uncommon for a customer service agent to struggle with a frustrated customer on the phone, only for a supervisor to step in and find solutions once the call is over. With 60 percent of customers switching to a different company after a […]

Screenshot of depicting premade templates SMBs can use in Amazon Honeycode

Unlock Innovation with Non-Technical Employees at Small and Medium Businesses

What if business leaders had a way to speed digital innovation within their organizations without in-house technical teams? Business leaders today are struggling with a multitude of issues including hiring skilled employees, retention, and economic headwinds. Now is the time for small and medium businesses (SMBs) to unlock innovation with data analytics, automation, and application […]

AWS Shared Responsibility Model depicting how customers are responsible for their own data, while AWS is responsible for the infrastructure hosting it.

Five Considerations for Small and Medium Businesses Building Secure Cloud Solutions

Security is often top of the mind for small and medium sized business (SMB) leaders as they plan to invest more in cloud computing. They want to be able to identify security events, protect systems and services, and maintain the confidentiality and integrity of data. SMBs are challenged with limited knowledge or information on cost […]

Two colleagues sitting side by side in an office completing training in front of a computer monitor

Top 5 IT Investment Stories Small and Medium Business Leaders Are Reading (2022 Edition)

As the 2022 calendar year comes to a close, small and medium businesses (SMBs) such as yours are likely planning ahead for the new year. Whether your financial and operational plans are fully finalized or still being adjusted, there is one line item that doesn’t cost anything: curiosity. Smart businesses recognize how important it is […]

Clumio Savings

What You Need to Develop a Data Protection Strategy for Your Small and Medium Business

While it is difficult to run a business, today small or medium businesses (SMBs) have the added challenges of defending themselves from sophisticated cyber and ransomware exposures, staying in compliance with their industry’s rules and regulations, and protecting customer data getting accidentally deleted or lost. A recent survey by CyberCatch revealed that 30% of SMBs […]

Two business owners discussing their cloud transformation journey on a production floor

The European Union’s New Sustainability Regulations for Small and Medium Businesses: Challenges and Opportunities

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are “the backbone of Europe’s economy,” according to the European Commission, accounting for fully 99% of all EU businesses and half the GDP. And because of their track record of innovation and adaptability, a lot of focus is being placed on SMBs to help meet environmental goals. A new law […]