AWS Smart Business Blog

Man in front of large analytics dashboard

Four Principles of Cloud Financial Management Small and Medium Business Owners Need to Know

IT can be a daunting topic—especially if you are a small or medium business (SMB) leader and do not consider yourself a technical person. Traditionally, IT costs are centered around up-front capital investments on hardware and infrastructure, and assembling a team aligned to support and maintain that infrastructure. There are also energy and premises costs […]

Clumio Savings

What You Need to Develop a Data Protection Strategy for Your Small and Medium Business

While it is difficult to run a business, today small or medium businesses (SMBs) have the added challenges of defending themselves from sophisticated cyber and ransomware exposures, staying in compliance with their industry’s rules and regulations, and protecting customer data getting accidentally deleted or lost. A recent survey by CyberCatch revealed that 30% of SMBs […]

Circular BCP planning diagram depicting the elements of a strong plan as explained in the blog post

The Importance of IT Business Continuity Planning for Small and Medium Businesses

Over the past few years we at Amazon Web Services have witnessed a dramatic shift from what we considered rare anticipated or unanticipated events to becoming a new normal and redefining what we call “business as usual.” The COVID-19 pandemic, supply chain shortages, climate change, and economic uncertainty—just to name a few events—have given rise […]

Two business owners discussing their cloud transformation journey on a production floor

The European Union’s New Sustainability Regulations for Small and Medium Businesses: Challenges and Opportunities

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are “the backbone of Europe’s economy,” according to the European Commission, accounting for fully 99% of all EU businesses and half the GDP. And because of their track record of innovation and adaptability, a lot of focus is being placed on SMBs to help meet environmental goals. A new law […]

E-commerce app

Four Digital Marketing Best Practices for Small and Medium Businesses Moving to the Cloud

A strong digital marketing strategy is critical for the success of your small business. More than 4.6 billion people use the internet, and 46.3% of them use it to research products before they purchase. With all of the tools and content out there, it can feel overwhelming to get your business on the right track. […]

Figure 1: Monolithic Architecture Diagram

How Small and Medium Businesses Can Reduce Database Storage Costs

There is an exponential increase in the amount of data that is being generated and with current rate of data creation, it will double the world’s data every two years according to Earthweb. Why is there so much data? Internet-connected devices, mobile smartphones, social media interactions, and web content are some of the sources giving […]

Remote work diagram depicting how the AWS solutions mentioned in th blog post map to business needs

How Small and Medium Businesses Can Use Remote Work Technology to Recruit and Retain the Best Talent

It has been a few years since COVID-19 changed the world. Every country, business, and person in the world has been affected. According to a McKinsey Global Survey of executives, companies have accelerated the digitization of their customer and supply-chain interactions and of their internal operations by three to four years. To stay competitive in […]

Jomar Nascimento of ProDoctor standing in front of his workstation

How One Small Business Customer Pivoted to Telemedicine in 90 Days

It’s no small challenge to keep patient information accessible, compliant and secure in the healthcare business. When COVID-19 forced medicine online, it only added to the complexity of delivering high quality and secure telemedicine. Amazon Web Services worked with ProDoctor to unify their collaboration tools and deploy a secure telemedicine solution in only three months […]

Asian woman using mobile device

AWS Launches a New, Commitment-Free Program to Help Digitize Small and Medium Businesses

Small and medium businesses (SMBs) are the engine room of the Asia-Pacific economy, with 132 million SMBs across APJ (Asia Pacific and Japan) accounting for over 97 percent of all businesses and employing over half of the workforce across the region. SMBs need to seize the opportunities in the digital economy as the Asia-Pacific Economic […]

Man in home office

How Small and Medium Businesses Can Enable Their Teams to Work Remotely from Virtually Anywhere

The flexibility of remote work has drastically changed workplace dynamics. A survey conducted by Upwork of 1,500 hiring managers found that due to COVID-19, 61.9% of companies planned more remote work. The report also predicts 36.2 million workers (about 22% of Americans) will be working remotely by the year 2025, an 87% increase from before […]