AWS Startups Blog

Category: Database

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Stedi Simplifies the B2B Transaction Process Leveraging a Serverless-First Architecture

Stedi provides organizations with the ability to quickly connect and transact with trading partners without having to go through painful point-to-point implementations. Leveraging a serverless first architecture, the company provides a completely self-service ‘digital mailbox’ that organizations can use to exchange 300+ different commercial transaction types in standardized formats.

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MediSci’s Platform Leverages Amazon QLDB to Bridge the Gap Between Healthcare and Life Science Product Development

MediSci is looking to bring together the frontline healthcare and life science product development industries to enable better patient outcomes. Historically, the two industries did not communicate as no platforms existed to enable conversation. The MediSci team is on a mission to change that, leveraging Amazon QLDB in the process to offer a way to bridge that gap.

How Osano Leverages Amazon QLDB for Its Data Privacy Compliance Platform

Founded in 2018, Osano offers “compliance in a box” to companies, making it easy to ensure customers properly align with the data laws of countries they operate in. No longer do CTOs and CIOs need to invest money and engineering cycles into building their own solution, which can be a tedious and expensive process. Instead, they can leverage Osano’s turnkey solution and get back to working on serving their customers.

Branch’s Serverless First Architecture Approach Makes it Easy to Bundle Home and Auto Coverage

Despite existing insurance companies best efforts, the process of buying home or auto insurance, let alone bundling them together, is rarely easy or clear—rates change, coverage is confusing, and understanding why is anything but intuitive. Today, startups like Branch Insurance are radically simplifying the insurance experience for customers. Here’s how they’re doing it.

Invoiced Simplifies and Automates the Accounts Receivable Process

All startups begin with a great idea. Some seek rapid acceleration with venture capital dollars. Some iterate organically until they have a workable product that truly meets a market need, then use venture capital as rocket fuel. Invoiced, an accounts receivable (AR) management startup, is proudly in the latter category.

How to Build your Mobile App with AWS

Ever wondered how growing startups use AWS to build, scale, and change the ways their customers live and work? Read on to learn how three London-based mobile app startups got their starts and what AWS tools and services they used to launch their MVPs.

How HackerOne Uses the Cloud to Fix Security Vulnerabilities at Scale

83,000. That’s how many security vulnerabilities HackerOne has fixed to date thanks to hacker-supplied reports to their platform. “The data speaks for itself,” says Reed Loden, HackerOne’s director of security. “The types of vulnerabilities, the complexity to the vulnerabilities, the cleverness to the vulnerabilities is stuff that you’re just not going find from paying just a variety of security consultancy firms…  it all comes down to number of people.”