AWS Storage Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Automatically compress and archive satellite imagery for Amazon S3

Satellite imagery often comes as large, high-resolution files, and organizations that work with this data typically have high storage costs. Additionally, large imagery files can take time and resources when downloaded for use with machine learning (ML), data analytics tools, or manual analyst review. Using standard compression techniques lets us achieve reductions in file size […]

Amazon S3 Batch Operations featured image

Large scale migration of encrypted objects in Amazon S3 using S3 Batch Operations

Many organizations have data governance strategies or compliance requirements that mandate their data be replicated and redundant across different management accounts and global regions. Moving encrypted data at scale can often take a few additional steps due to the need to decrypt and re-encrypt objects as part of the replication process. Amazon Simple Storage Service […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Protecting domain-joined workloads with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery (DR) solutions for workloads that are domain-joined to Microsoft Active Directory (AD) must take into account the AD requirements of those workloads. A domain-joined workload will expect to find an AD controller to provide keys services like DNS and security related services including user and machine-based authentication. If the AD requirements are not […]

Using AWS Storage Gateway to modernize next-generation sequencing workflows

Exact Sciences operates the laboratories across the world that produce data that is critical to performing analysis and diagnostics to classify cancer modalities, treatments, and therapeutics. The laboratories generate large data sets from on-premises genomic sequencing devices that must be sent to the cloud for processing. Once in the cloud, we process the data to […]

S3 Security

How to audit an Amazon S3 bucket’s default encryption configuration at scale

Encrypting data at rest fulfills compliance and security standards while providing an extra layer of defense to protect against unauthorized access. As organizations scale, it is critical to develop standardize encryption to minimize the administrative burden of managing encryption keys. Organizations that lack encryption standardization may find themselves unable to access critical data when required. […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Disaster recovery for VMware Cloud on AWS using AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Disasters due to natural calamities, application failures, service failures, human errors, or ransomware cause downtime for business applications as well as data loss and revenue impact. To help prepare for potential outages, companies running VMware on-premises are increasingly incorporating VMware Cloud on AWS (VMC) into their hybrid cloud strategy. Disaster recovery (DR) is also a vital […]

Monitoring Amazon EBS volume disruptions using Amazon EventBridge

A top priority for customers is to make sure that their applications are highly resilient and durable to meet their business goals. To make sure that applications are working and performing as expected, you can use monitoring tools such as Amazon CloudWatch metrics and events to track the health of your applications. Monitoring and alarming […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Designing IT chargeback models for Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP

Most organizations closely track their spending to ensure that their resources are being used efficiently. Tracking how much different business units are spending provides crucial insights into the efficacy of certain types of spending to an organizations goals or bottom line. An IT chargeback system assigns the costs of services to the business units or […]

Amazon S3 featured image - new

Enabling and validating additional checksums on existing objects in Amazon S3

Verifying data integrity during a data migration or data transfer is a data durability best practice that ensures your data is error-free and not corrupt as it reaches its destination. One way to verify the integrity of your data is through checksums, which you can basically think of as a digital fingerprint for data that […]

Amazon FSx for NetApp OnTAP

Scaling container workloads with shared storage for Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS

Kubernetes is a popular choice among many developers for application deployments, and many of these deployments can benefit from a persistent, shared storage layer. Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) is a managed OpenShift integration on AWS developed by Red Hat and jointly supported by AWS and Red Hat. ROSA clusters typically store data […]