AWS Storage Blog

Category: Customer Solutions

Amazon S3 Object Lambda

How Trend Micro uses Amazon S3 Object Lambda to help keep sensitive data secure

Does your application handle data that is uploaded by hundreds of thousands of end users? Is that same underlying data then shared across the same magnitude of users? Being able to scan data for malware before it’s returned to an application helps keep sensitive data secure, provides protection regardless of when the data was initially […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Compressing and archiving logs to the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes

In distributed architectures, there is often a need to preserve application logs, and for AWS customers preservation is often done via an Amazon S3 bucket. The logs may contain information on runtime transactions, error/failure states, or application metrics and statistics. These logs are later used in business intelligence to provide useful insights and generate dashboards, […]

How SkyWatch built its satellite imagery solution using AWS Lambda and Amazon EFS

SkyWatch is on a mission to democratize remote sensing data through a simple user experience. Every day, trillions of pixels of Earth observation imagery are captured by satellites orbiting our planet. New applications for this data are developed every week, with demand increasing across many industries. Examples include commercial applications, such as construction, finance, and […]

A gene-editing prediction engine with iterative learning cycles built on AWS

NRGene develops cutting-edge genomic analytics products that are reshaping agriculture worldwide. Among our customers are some of the biggest and most sophisticated companies in seed-development, food and beverages, paper, rubber, cannabis, and more. In the middle of 2020, NRGene joined a consortium of companies and academic institutions to build the best-in-class gene-editing prediction platform to […]

Amazon S3

MemQ by Pinterest: An efficient, scalable, cloud-native publish/subscribe system

The Logging Platform at Pinterest powers all data ingestion and transportation at Pinterest. At the heart of the Pinterest Logging Platform are distributed pub/sub systems that help our customers transport, buffer, and consume data asynchronously. Pub/sub messaging, is a form of asynchronous service-to-service communication used in serverless and microservices architectures. In a pub/sub model, any […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Modernizing NASCAR’s multi-PB media archive at speed with AWS Storage

The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) is the sanctioning body for the No. 1 form of motor sports in the United States, and owns 15 of the nation’s major motorsports entertainment facilities. About 15 years ago NASCAR began to collect all the video, audio, and image assets from over the last 70+ […]

S3 Intelligent-Tiering featured image

How CineSend manages their media content using S3 Intelligent-Tiering

Is your organization managing terabytes (or even petabytes) of data stored as objects across hundreds if not thousands of buckets on Amazon S3? What are the chances that the access patterns and application requirements for all of these objects are the same? For most companies out there – slim to none. We operate in a […]

How Pinterest uses Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive to manage storage for its visual discovery engine

Pinterest is the visual discovery engine with a mission to bring everyone the inspiration to create a life they love. It’s one of the biggest datasets of ideas ever assembled online, with over 300 billion Pins with ideas around home, food, style, beauty, travel, and more. More than 440 million people around the world use […]

S3 Intelligent-Tiering featured image

How Torc Robotics reduces storage costs with S3 Intelligent-Tiering

Do you manage petabytes of data or tens to hundreds of buckets on Amazon S3 across multiple business units and multiple teams? If you do, chances are that application requirements and access patterns vary widely from one business unit to another. And, if you’re like many AWS customers today, you’re looking for the easiest and […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Obtain aggregated daily cross-account multi-Region AWS Backup reporting

UPDATE (2/3/2022): Source code extended to support AWS Backup for Amazon S3. UPDATE (6/24/2022): Source code updated to support tag extraction to support cost allocation reporting. Customers treat data as an asset and look to protect their data assets through data protection mechanisms. Customers value the seamless ability to report and act on data protection […]