AWS Storage Blog

Tag: Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)

S3 cost optimization

Amazon S3 cost optimization for predictable and dynamic access patterns

Many customers of all sizes and industries tell us they are growing at an unprecedented scale – both their business and their data. Amazon S3 enables any developer to leverage Amazon’s own benefits at a massive scale with no up-front investment or performance compromises. Customers love the elasticity and agility they get with S3 because […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

Event-driven data transfer to container-shared storage on AWS

Businesses using data lake solutions built on Amazon S3 often want their data science teams to have access to that same data for machine learning or analytics projects deployed on tools like RStudio Server and Shiny. To do so, they can easily deploy these tools in the cloud using Amazon ECS or Amazon EKS serverless containers with AWS Fargate, and can access […]

AWS Storage Gateway Featured Image

Using AWS Storage Gateway to store Oracle database backups in Amazon S3

Customers running Oracle databases often take database and schema backups using Oracle native tools like Data Pump and RMAN to satisfy data protection, disaster recovery (DR), and compliance requirements. The backups that are taken are often stored on NFS shares. Due to a lack of scalability and the higher cost of storage in on-premises environments, […]

Amazon S3

5 Ways to reduce data storage costs using Amazon S3 Storage Lens

If you have an increasing number of Amazon S3 buckets, spread across tens or even hundreds of accounts, you might be in search of a tool that makes it easier to manage your growing storage footprint and improve cost efficiencies. S3 Storage Lens is an analytics feature built-in to the S3 console to help you […]

Amazon S3

Automating Amazon S3 on Outposts resources with AWS CloudFormation

We recently announced support for AWS CloudFormation templates to create and manage Amazon S3 on Outposts resources, like buckets, endpoints, and access points. Until recently, customers were limited to creation of such resources individually using the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or SDKs. Now, by leveraging AWS CloudFormation, you can automate creation of Amazon S3 […]

Amazon S3

Explore how data lakes drive decisions with Mai-Lan Tomsen Bukovec and Tomer Shiran

“Fundamentally, every business today is a data business.” – Mai-Lan Tomsen Bukovec In today’s interconnected and digital world, businesses must make decisions quickly, and they must be right. To stay competitive, companies have to leverage data lakes as the foundation for agile business decision making, analytics, and even AI/ML decisions. At the core of this […]

Amazon S3

Simplify your data lifecycle by using object tags with Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Managing your storage cost effectively at scale can become complex as you have multiple applications or users using the data with different access patterns and frequency. S3 Lifecycle can help you optimize your storage cost by creating lifecycle configurations to manage your storage spend over time by moving your data to more cost-effective storage classes […]

AWS Storage Gateway Featured Image

Cloud storage in minutes with AWS Storage Gateway (updated)

Moving workloads to the cloud is one of the primary ways for CIOs to address their top strategic priorities: increasing agility, accelerating innovation, strengthening security, and reducing cost. Many companies have existing infrastructure in data centers, remote offices, and edge locations, but want to take advantage of cloud services. AWS helps these customers accelerate their […]

Amazon S3

Using Boto3 to configure Amazon S3 bucket replication at scale

UPDATE (2/10/2022): Amazon S3 Batch Replication launched on 2/8/2022, allowing you to replicate existing S3 objects and synchronize your S3 buckets. See the S3 User Guide for additional details. Replicating your data on Amazon S3 is an effective way to meet business requirements by storing data across distant AWS Regions or across unique accounts in […]

Autonomous vehicle data collection with AWS Snowcone and AWS IoT Greengrass

Self-driving and self-flying vehicles — autonomous cars, airplanes, and drones — require vast amounts of data to fulfill their promise of a safe mode of transportation for goods and people. Connected vehicles and the Internet of Things (IoT) have a strong influence on the way we collect and process low-bandwidth telemetry data, in addition to […]