AWS Smart Business Blog

Group of 4 business associates sitting at table

The Value of Upskilling Your SMB’s Employees in Generative AI

Businesses of all sizes and industries are tapping into generative artificial intelligence (AI) to streamline operations and foster creativity, deliver exceptional customer experiences with personalization, and gain valuable insights by analyzing conversational interactions and data. Many small and medium businesses (SMB) find themselves wondering how to effectively harness the power of generative AI to their […]

“Working Backwards” to Drive Customer Experience and SMB Innovation Forward

“The customer is always right” was attributed to and popularized by department store pioneers Marshall Fields (in the US) and Harry Gordon Selfridge (in the UK). It’s a principle that’s aged well. Customer experience was recognized as the cornerstone of a successful organization in the 20th century and it’s an approach that still benefits small […]

Two coworkers looking at laptop screen

Implementing Zero Trust Security: A Practical Approach for SMBs

In today’s digital landscape, traditional network-based security approaches are no longer sufficient to protect systems and data. With users, applications, and workloads spread across various environments, businesses of all sizes need a security model that does not rely on network location as the sole factor for granting access. What is a Zero Trust security model? […]

Asian woman using mobile device

Powering Mental Health Assessments with AI: An SMB’s Innovative Solution

Current mental healthcare screening practices are tedious and error-prone, which cuts into valuable time that healthcare providers could spend on treatment and care. Fortunately, Aiberry is one of the few small and medium businesses (SMBs) at the cutting edge of healthcare technology. Inspired by military applications, it has developed an advanced platform for assessing mental […]

Man in front of large analytics dashboard

Six E-Commerce Essentials for Running Your SMB in the Cloud

If you had the ability to change anything about how your small or medium business (SMB) sells online, what would you do? For some owners such as yourself, they might want a website with better uptime and payment systems that detect fraudulent transactions. Others might be laser-focused on how many of their visitors are actually […]

AWS Cloud Value Framework

How to Measure the ROI of Your Small Business’s Cloud Workflows

What would you do with an extra 20 percent in annual profits? For many small businesses, gains like that are the difference between surviving and thriving. Yet, what if we told you the cloud could deliver a significant return on investment and you just didn’t have the visibility to see it? Chances are, as a […]

MagellanTV employees reviewing localization workflows

How One SMB Automates Content Localization with Generative Artificial Intelligence

Knowledge enriches our lives. There’s always something more that we can learn about the world around us, our cultures, and histories—even our futures. MagellanTV is a documentary streaming service committed to helping its viewers access stories that contribute to a lifetime of learning. Founded in 2018, this small business is based in Armonk, New York, […]

Aerial view of Middle Eastern SMB teammates working at computers

Exploring Practical Use Cases for Generative AI in Small Businesses

The conversation around generative artificial intelligence has sparked both excitement and skepticism. The potential of AI is undeniable, with applications like chatbots improving customer service and machine learning algorithms detecting fraud or predicting equipment failures. But there’s often a gap between the hype and practical applications, leaving small or medium businesses (SMBs) wondering whether they […]