AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Storage

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How AWS Partners Are Utilizing Amazon S3 to Help Customers Solve for Scale

As we celebrate Amazon S3’s 15th birthday, we are excited to share stories of how AWS Partners are using S3 to provide a wide variety of solutions to address customer needs. It’s rare to find an ISV solution these days that does not support Amazon S3 in some way. AWS Partners have helped customers all across the world ingest exabytes of data into S3, and some AWS Partners have built entire businesses on Amazon S3.


How Indexima Uses Hyper Indexes and Machine Learning to Enable Instant Analytics on Amazon S3

Achieving “speed of thought” or instant analytics on large data sets is a key challenge for business intelligence platforms. Traditionally, data engineers would design and deliver an optimized, aggregated subset of the data to a data warehouse to drive the visualization. This can often take weeks of development and testing or incur significant infrastructure costs. Learn how Indexima uses machine learning and hyper indexes to automate this process and accelerate analytics by up to 1000x across a full data set on Amazon S3.

Archiving Amazon MSK Data to Amazon S3 with the S3 Kafka Connect Connector

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) is a fully managed, highly available, and secure Apache Kafka service that makes it easy to build and run applications that use Kafka to process steaming data. Learn how to use the new open source Kafka Connect Connector (StreamReactor) from to query, transform, optimize, and archive data from Amazon MSK to Amazon S3. We’ll also demonstrate how to use Amazon Athena to query the partitioned parquet data directly from S3.

­­­­­­­How DataArt Helped Inchcape Shipping Services to Revolutionize Document Processing on AWS

The main thing that all interested parties need when a vessel is in port—and this has never changed—is information. Learn how Inchcape, a global organization and leader in ships agency and maritime services that covers around 2,500 ports, teamed up with DataArt to reimagine its core operational platform, Optic, as a bespoke .NET Core-based microservices solution. Optic builds trust through transparency of the vessel program, real-time updates, and standardized workflow and data across all port calls and locations.


How OpenText Documentum on AWS Maximizes the Value of Enterprise Information

Managing the lifecycle of structured data and unstructured content, while simultaneously providing efficient access to it, has never been more challenging. Locating accurate content for a specific task can be laborious and time-consuming if it lives in complex folder structures scattered across various silos. Learn how the combination of Documentum and AWS offers more secure, reliable, and compliant solutions to organizations looking to deploy information management workloads in the cloud.

How to Automate Cost and Performance Improvement Through gp3 Upgrades Using AWS Systems Manager

Automatically identifying and upgrading existing SSD volumes to take advantage of the new gp3 general purpose volumes for Amazon EBS can help organizations reduce storage costs. Learn how to upgrade your existing gp2 volumes, without interruption, to the next generation of general purpose SSD volumes using AWS Systems Manager. This a core component of nubeGo’s Cloud Managed Service (NCMS) which helps customers automate cost savings, security guardrails, and compliance requirements with minimal effort.

Tape Ark Unlocks Dark Data on AWS with Tape-to-Cloud Migration

Oil and gas operators face significant challenges accessing the subsurface data they have created and saved on tape media. Being able to perform tape migration at scale is highly complex and resource intensive, but it’s essential for oil and gas companies that want to understand their collection so they can unlock the true value of their data. Tape Ark is powered by AWS and uniquely capable of undertaking mass migrations at large scale.

Bursting Your On-Premises Data Lake Analytics and AI Workloads on AWS

Developing and maintaining an on-premises data lake is a complex undertaking. To maximize the value of data and use it as the basis for critical decisions, the data platform must be flexible and cost-effective. Learn how to build a hybrid data lake with Alluxio to leverage analytics and AI on AWS alongside a multi-petabyte on-premises data lake. Alluxio’s solution is called “zero-copy” hybrid cloud, indicating a cloud migration approach without first copying data to Amazon S3.


Leveraging Serverless Architecture to Build an Enterprise Data Repository Platform for Customer Insights and Analytics

Moving data between multiple data stores requires an extract, transform, load (ETL) process using various data analysis approaches. ETL operations form the backbone of any modern enterprise data and analytics platform. AWS provides a broad range of services to deploy enterprise-grade applications in the cloud. This post explores a strategic collaboration between Tech Mahindra and a customer to build and deploy an enterprise data repository on AWS and create ETL workflows using a serverless architecture.


Cohesity Pioneers Data Management as a Service in Collaboration with AWS

Managing backups, archiving, and disaster recovery traditionally required piecing together multiple software solutions across physical locations and network topologies. Trying to balance these disparate systems can result in expensive solutions, operational inefficiencies, and fragmented data. Learn how Cohesity worked with the AWS SaaS Factory team to released Data Management as a Service (DMaaS) as a solution on AWS that will radically simplify data management.