AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

New Case Studies and AWS Partner Success Stories: Special Olympics, GE Healthcare, Partners of the Year

The AWS Partner Network (APN) is a global community of partners who leverage Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build, market, and sell customer offerings. AWS Partners are uniquely positioned to help customers take full advantage of all that AWS has to offer and accelerate their journey to the cloud.

This diverse network features more than 100,000 partners from 150+ countries. More than 90% of Fortune 100 companies and the majority of Fortune 500 companies utilize AWS Partner solutions and services.

We’re excited to share a few stories to help you learn how customers around the world have accelerated their cloud adoption and fueled innovation by working with AWS Partners.

Special Olympics and Solodev Drive Fan and Athlete Engagement

The 2022 Special Olympics USA Games, held in Orlando, Florida, in June 2022, brought together more than 5,500 athletes and coaches from all 50 states and the Caribbean to compete in swimming, running, golf, and other sports. The Games are presented every four years by the Special Olympics, the world’s largest sports organization for children and adults with intellectual disabilities.


Photo courtesy of Special Olympics USA Games.

In the months leading up to the 2022 Games, the Special Olympics wanted to improve the athlete and fan experience by creating a new mobile app. AWS Partner Solodev worked closely with the Special Olympics to build an app based on the Solodev Serverless platform on AWS. The new app relies on AWS serverless technologies such as AWS Fargate and simplifies development, engages fans and athletes, and supports thousands of concurrent users with zero downtime.

“We wanted to use technology to draw people in and engage them in a meaningful way, and we were able to accomplish that with Solodev and AWS,” said Lonnie Snyder, Chief Information Officer at 2022 Special Olympics USA Games. “We had 16,000 people open the app in the first minute of the competition, and everything worked flawlessly right away.”

During the Games, the Solodev Serverless solution scaled seamlessly to support thousands of downloads and experienced no downtime throughout the event. The Special Olympics also reduced its development and operating costs, a key benefit for the nonprofit organization. Using Solodev Serverless on AWS, the Games reduced costs by up to 82% by eliminating the need for hardware and management.


French National Volleyball League Uses Video Streaming from Kinow

France’s professional national volleyball league, the Ligue Nationale de Volley (LNV), used a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution from AWS Partner Kinow to overhaul its over-the-top (OTT) media service, LNVtv. OTT services offer content directly to viewers over the internet, and LNVtv used Kinow’s Bee solution to optimize its broadcasts and create a personalized viewing experience.

Bee uses AWS Elemental MediaLive to facilitate the simultaneous broadcast of up to 20 live matches, while other AWS services help to improve users’ navigation capabilities, prevent content piracy, and provide a way for fans to watch on mobile devices or stream to their televisions.

“It is an incredible asset to federate a community, build audience loyalty, and benefit from a new source of revenue. The redesign of the LNV platform is a great example of success,” said Pierre Antoine, Kinow Business Unit Director at Alpha Networks Group.

Since the launch of the redesign, LNVtv has seen a 7% increase in subscribers. Kinow provides all hosting, maintenance, and technical support for LNVtv, freeing the LNV to focus on its content and marketing strategy. The organization has built an architecture that facilitates access rights, providing different levels of access to various stakeholders, such as the company in charge of the capture solution or the individual volleyball teams.


Reply Helps Showpad Switch to Data Mesh Architecture on AWS

Belgium-based Showpad provides a sales enablement platform that uses technologies like digital deal rooms and video messaging to enable sales reps to share personalized content and deliver the best buyer experiences. On top of that, Showpad gives sales managers the insights to bring their teams to the next level and accelerate sales cycles.

To support its strategy of becoming a data-centric company and improve customer experience, Showpad is adopting AWS technologies and innovative approaches such as data mesh and serverless. AWS Partner Reply had the niche expertise required, could support the broader end-to-end cloud needs that Showpad might have in the future, and was a good cultural match.

The move to a data mesh architecture is expected to achieve a 50% reduction in data infrastructure costs while improving data privacy and security.

“We see this security as an enabler, not a hindrance, to people’s work,” said Jeroen Minnaert, Head of Data at Showpad. “Security and access work to curate the data—so people can more quickly get what they need—but also stop them accessing what they do not need.”


Congratulations to Our 2022 AWS Partners of the Year!

Announced during a Partner Awards Gala at re:Invent, the 2022 AWS Partner Awards recognize a wide range of partners which have embraced specialization, innovation, and collaboration over the past year. AWS Partner Awards honor partners whose business models continue to evolve and thrive on AWS as they work with customers.

For the first time, AWS Partner Awards included a self-nomination process across a number of award categories and specialization areas awarded at both the regional and global level, where all AWS Partners were invited to participate and submit a nomination. All winners were been validated and selected by a third party.

AWS created award categories based on impact such as innovation, design, social impact, sustainability, industry, and collaboration. We also identified global winners where we recognized AWS Partners with the greatest impact and customer reach, not limited to partners operating in a worldwide capacity.


Cribl Increases Customer Adoption and Reduces Technology Barriers with AWS

When AWS Partner Cribl was faced with the challenges of increasing customer adoption, reducing technology barriers, and enabling faster time to deployment of Cribl Stream workloads to AWS, it worked with the AWS Integration and Automation team to design an AWS Partner Solution, an automated reference architecture built on AWS CloudFormation templates with integrated best practices.

As a result, Cribl has seen both a 40% increase in traffic to Cribl’s AWS assets and a steady move of AWS users from single-instance deployments to either distributed deployments in their own AWS account or to Cribl’s cloud instances.

“The Integration and Automation team has been a fantastic resource that understands our side of the house, so putting it all together was really simple,” said Kam Amir, Director of Technical Alliances at Cribl, a member of the AWS Global Startup Program.

Cribl’s solution has proven to be a valuable tool for testing and training environments. Using the deployed solution, customers can perform procedures in a test environment, then perform proof-of-value testing on the production side. Customers essentially take the infrastructure from the deployment and redeploy it in their production instance.


GE Healthcare and AWS Speed Innovation and Transform Care Delivery

As a provider of diagnostic imaging solutions, AWS Partner GE Healthcare aims to deliver accessible services and applications to its customers in a responsive, agile way. To help its customers provide virtualized care to patients, the company needed collaborative cloud engagement and looked to AWS to support its cloud transformation journey.

In 2020, GE Healthcare began accelerating its AWS engagement to expand the cloud availability of its solutions. By working alongside AWS and engaging AWS Partner Programs, the company can deliver new and innovative healthcare solutions and support its customers along their own cloud adoption journeys.

This includes using prescriptive guidance from the AWS SaaS Factory Program, which provides access to technical and business content, best practices, solutions architects, and SaaS experts that can guide and help organizations accelerate delivery of SaaS solutions on AWS.

GE Healthcare is also a member of AWS ISV Accelerate, a co-sell program for organizations that provide software solutions that run on or work alongside AWS. By receiving co-sell support through this engagement, GE Healthcare is able to further strengthen customer outcomes as it works to accelerate solution delivery.

“Our level of collaboration with AWS is accelerating and has grown across both development and go-to-market efforts,” said Lynn Richard, Vice President of Global and Strategic Alliances at GE Healthcare, which as gained a level of scalability and flexibility collaborating with AWS that was not available via on-premises technology.


AWS EBCs Get Real-Time Inventory Data with CloudRail and AWS IoT

Monitoring inventory status and counts across various locations is key to inventory management. Internet of Things (IoT) sensors allow organizations to view and maintain the supply levels they need, when and where they need them, and ensure they are stored properly along the way.

The AWS Executive Briefing Center (EBC) in Seattle is using AWS IoT sensor technology, along with integrations from AWS Partner CloudRail, to proactively monitor meeting room beverage inventory. The resulting smart refrigerator solution helps hospitality staff keep meeting rooms stocked with minimal workday disruption.

Throughout the day, sensors installed in each refrigerator collect weight data for every row of beverages. The solution then divides the weight by the planned number of units per row and compares the result with a table containing the expected contents of the refrigerator.


Implementation integration with IoT devices and AWS.

Since the Seattle EBC’s opening, the smart refrigerator solution has helped the EBC team provide seamless hospitality by making sure cold drinks never run out for guests. By eliminating the need to frequently check each room’s beverage inventory, the solution saved hospitality staff an estimated four hours of labor per day.

After 18 months of scaled operation, not a single sensor or gateway has failed. The managed CloudRail gateways are updated and patched without staff involvement. The solution is being used by EBC staff daily, who love it for its time-saving usefulness.


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