AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Partner Guest Post

AWS Blockchain Partner Program

Driving Blockchain Innovation with Manifold Technology and AWS Serverless

Manifold Technology has built a highly scalable, cost-effective, and easy-to-integrate blockchain platform that’s architected to deploy on AWS. Manifold lets you manage blockchains for any application, from branded currencies and settlement, to asset management and intelligent automation. The platform uses AWS Lambda to deliver a distributed ledger capability with blockchain auditability and the ability to detect possible tampering. Manifold is an APN Standard Technology Partner.

AWS Blockchain Partner Program

Blockchain and the Pharmaceutical Supply Chain: Driving Security and Transparency

Forward-thinking companies are looking to new technologies such as blockchain to provide visibility into medicinal sourcing and the journey a medicine takes to move from creation to the hands of an end user, whose quality of life depends on its authenticity. Through the use of blockchain technology—a distributed ledger enabling trusted transactions among multiple parties—the pharmaceutical supply chain can become more secure, streamlined, and auditable.


Analyzing the Run-Time Behavior of an AWS IoT Device

SEGGER is an APN Standard Technology Partner and provides solutions for secure communication as well as data and product security, meeting the needs of the rapidly evolving Internet of IoT market. In this post, you will see what your IoT devices really do when they connect to and use AWS IoT. With SEGGER’s analysis tools, we show how to track down and solve hard-to-find, timing-related issues and demonstrate how to visualize and analyze what happens in your firmware.


High-Performance Mainframe Workloads on AWS with Cloud-Native Heirloom

Heirloom automatically refactors mainframe applications’ code, data, job control definitions, user interfaces, and security rules to a cloud-native platform on AWS. Using an industry-standard TPC-C benchmark, we demonstrated the elasticity of Heirloom on AWS, delivering 1,018 transactions per second—equivalent to the processing capacity of a large mainframe. Heirloom Computing is an APN Standard Technology Partner.


Re-Hosting Mainframe Applications to AWS with NTT DATA Services

NTT DATA Services provides a mainframe re-host solution that minimizes application code change while benefiting from the agility AWS offers. NTT DATA’s re-hosting reference architecture, migration best practices, and extensive technology feature set streamline mainframe migrations to AWS. NTT DATA is an APN Advanced Consulting Partner that helps clients navigate and simplify the modern complexities of business and technology, delivering the insights, solutions, and outcomes that matter most to their objectives.

AWS DevOps

How APN Premier Partner Infosys Uses AWS to Provide a Boundaryless Architecture Solution

In an era where always-on connectivity, IoT, and unstructured data in the public domain are the new normal, the ability of companies to compete and differentiate rests on their ability to leverage data and analytics. In this post, we explore how Infosys is leveraging AWS to provide clients with a solution based on Boundaryless Architecture. Infosys is an APN Premier Consulting Partner and Managed Service Provider with AWS Competencies in both Migration and Financial Services.

Alert Logic_AWS Solutions

Preventing Security Fires with Amazon GuardDuty and Alert Logic Cloud Insight Essentials

Cloud Insight Essentials is an Alert Logic solution available in AWS Marketplace. It is a vulnerability assessment solution allowing customers to find risky configurations that go against AWS Security Best Practices. The solution does this by analyzing AWS APIs and scanning AWS CloudTrail events looking for unsafe configurations. Cloud Insight Essentials also provides security context for the complete list of Amazon GuardDuty findings so customers can take short- and long-term actions to reduce potential security threats.

AWS Quick Starts

Updated AWS Quick Start for Tableau Server Now Supports Linux

We are excited to add Linux support to our AWS Quick Start for Tableau Server on AWS. This Quick Start automatically deploys Tableau Server in a standalone or cluster environment on the AWS cloud, and now you can deploy on Linux in addition to Microsoft WindowServer. With this update, customers now have the ability to deploy on Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs) running two different flavors of Linux.


How to Connect VPCs Fast Using the Aviatrix Next-Gen Global Transit Hub on AWS Quick Start

A next-generation Global Transit Hub is part of a second generation of networking technology, combining a traditional Global Transit Hub with additional security, scale, and operational functionalities. Aviatrix is an APN Advanced Technology Partner and one of the first APN Partners to earn the AWS Networking Competency. Now, you can use the Aviatrix Global Transit Hub on AWS Quick Start to connect multiple geographically-dispersed VPCs and remote networks faster than ever.


Complete Mainframe to AWS Migration with Candid Partners

Migrating a mainframe is a complex project, and Candid Partners is focused on solving the toughest business problems using AWS. They have successfully completed a legacy mainframe to AWS migration for a global enterprise client and are actively working on similar initiatives. In this post, Candid shares their experience and describes the approach, architecture, and lessons learned from this real-life mainframe migration. Candid Partners is an APN Advanced Consulting Partner with the AWS Migration Competency.