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Tag: AWS Partner Guest Post


Finding Value in Your Digital Analytics Data Using Analytics Shift with Softcrylic and AWS

Although the business case for digital analytics is well-articulated, many organizations are looking for ways to build stronger cases around transformations by consolidating data generated across the enterprise with customer behavioral data. Learn how Softcrylic developed the Analytics Shift solution which helps businesses bring Adobe Analytics data into Amazon Redshift to drive deeper insights and data integration.


Securely Querying Your Data Lake with Ahana Presto and AWS Lake Formation

Ahana provides a fully managed and easy-to-use service for running Presto on AWS, and customers like Metropolis use Ahana to query data in their Amazon S3-based data lake for business intelligence, ad-hoc analytics, and reporting. Learn how Metropolis uses AWS Lake Formation and Ahana to build a data lake that allows their analysts and data scientists to develop a simple, hands-free parking experience for their customers.


Application Modernization on AWS with Infosys Accelerators for Serverless

Serverless technologies have matured a lot over the years, and it’s easier than ever to deploy the entire stack of applications using serverless and AWS managed services. Infosys is seeing enterprises across industries take advantage of the power of serverless architecture for a variety of use cases. Learn how serverless architecture on AWS can help enterprises modernize their application landscape, along with common use cases and some reference architectures.

Turning Data from LoRaWAN Sensors into Insights with OrbiWise Network Server and AWS IoT Core

LoRaWAN is one of the most popular LPWAN technologies, and AWS IoT Core is a managed IoT platform that allows connected devices to interact with cloud applications and AWS. Learn how to integrate devices connected to your private LoRaWAN network powered by OrbiWAN with AWS IoT Core. OrbiWAN is OrbiWise’s carrier-grade LNS and is broadly used by large public network operators and by many private networks alike.


Simplifying Kubernetes Observability with Amazon EKS Blueprints

Understanding the performance of your Amazon EKS clusters and applications is critical, but without the proper tools identifying problems can be difficult. You need the ability to detect, analyze, and resolve them as fast as possible. New Relic’s EKS Blueprints add-on for the Amazon EKS Blueprints framework is built on the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK) and simplifies deploying Kubernetes observability components from New Relic to your EKS clusters, using programming concepts you’re already familiar with.


Implementing Data Mesh Using LTI’s Canvas Scarlet Framework on AWS

As data grows at an exponential rate both in volume and velocity, it becomes important for organizations to carve out a strategy to store data in appropriate locations with the correct safeguards to address data access and privacy concerns. Learn how organizations can transform their data landscape into a more controlled, flexible, and secure landscape using LTI’s Canvas Scarlet Data Mesh framework built on AWS to meet the data challenges an organization faces today.


Delivering Closed Loop Assurance with Infosys Digital Operations Ecosystem Platform on AWS

A closed loop assurance system predicts network events, such as faults and congestions, that are highly probable of causing service degradation or interruption, and automatically take preventive actions to avert service disruptions. Learn how Infosys leveraged AWS data streaming, data analytics, and machine learning services to ingest, process, and analyze high volumes of data from disparate sources; and to build ML models to predict network events that cause service degradation.

Enabling Remote and Secure High-Performance PTC Creo CAD with Infosys Cobalt on AWS

CAD on the cloud delivers the same, if not better, performance than on-premises setup. For enterprises, it will be a paradigm shift to have their CAD/CAE workload on the cloud, especially using Amazon AppStream 2.0. Learn about Infosys’ flagship Cobalt program, one of the largest service providers in engineering and design, with decades of experience helping customers leverage AWS to optimize cost and performance.


Hybrid Container Application Stack Using Microservices and Amazon ECS Anywhere

Learn how DXC Technology was able to leverage Amazon ECS Anywhere to fulfill regulatory and compute requirements and increase operational efficiency for a use case for an in-house proprietary tool where a part of the application stack must run on premises. DXC needed a hybrid cloud solution to execute their toolkit data capture and analysis strategy without major changes in application design or architecture.


Machine Learning Infrastructure for Commercial Real Estate Insights Platform

Learn now Provectus looked into how machine learning models were prototyped and evaluated at VTS, and then delivered a template-based solution enabling their data scientists to more easily create Amazon SageMaker jobs, pipelines, endpoints, and other AWS resources. The resulting coherent set of templates, with usage cookbook and extension guidelines, was applied successfully on an ML model that predicted leasing outcomes.