AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Partner Guest Post


How Atos Transformed a Customer’s SAP Landscape with Minimal Downtime and Low Risk

Like many SAP customers, one of Atos’ customers had a large, on-premises environment, encompassing a combination of virtual and physical servers and traditional storage. Learn about the migration process used to move the customer from their on-premises estate to AWS. We’ll also describe the target architecture used within AWS, along with the benefits the customer has achieved both during and post migration.


Making Blockchains Interoperable and Agile with HCLTech’s CoTrust Platform and AWS

Blockchain is being compared with the “network of networks,” and rightly so as the traits between both are similar. The introduction of more technology platforms gives users choice but also increases the siloes. To make a blockchain network work in an enterprise, there has to be a glue which sticks all of these platforms together. Learn how AWS Premier Consulting Partner HCLTech built a highly scalable, cost-effective, and easy-to-integrate blockchain platform called CoTrust that is architected to deploy on AWS.


How to Enable 360-Degree Analytics and Innovate Faster on AWS with Datavard Glue for SAP

Today’s enterprises are dealing with more than structured data that’s being exponentially generated. Customers are looking for effective ways to capture, store, curate, and analyze structured data, as well as semi-structured and unstructured data. Learn how Datavard Glue’s extraction capabilities help organizations enable a data-driven culture. Datavard Glue provides integration technology to build a highly scalable, available, secure, and flexible data lake powered by AWS.


Governance in the AWS Cloud: The Right Balance Between Agility and Safety

Cloud infrastructure provides more agility than traditional IT, meaning organizations must think differently about how they design, build, and manage applications. Cloud resources need a stronger integration between IT and organizational governance, as builders need to be able to operate in a cloud environment that’s agile and safe. Hear from APN Ambassador Paolo Latella, who introduces a decentralized model of cloud governance that can help you strike the right balance between agility and safety.


Expediting Healthcare Interoperability with Redox and AWS

For customers in the United States, patients must have access to Electronic Health Record (EHR) information in their medical records beginning April 5, 2021. While most health systems have one EHR in place, others who have undergone mergers may have several EHR solutions. All of this contributes to the challenge of achieving healthcare interoperability. This post shows how Redox, an AWS Partner and EHR integration platform, accelerates healthcare interoperability for customers.

How Version 1 Migrated Martin Currie’s Windows Workloads to AWS to Enable Agility and Innovation

Learn how Version 1 helped specialist investment management organization Martin Currie migrate its technical estate that was held in data centers to AWS over a period of 12 months. The data center contract was expiring in 12 months, and the migration had to be performed at a blistering pace without interruption to the organization or its customers. We’ll also explore how Version 1 continues to help modernize the company’s workloads using managed AWS services.


Driving Business Transformation and Cloud Security with Secure Cloud Foundation by Infosys Compaz

Secure Cloud Foundation is a fully managed platform-as-a-service offering from Infosys Compaz (iCompaz), an Infosys Limited joint venture. It provides a managed platform with foundational secure landing zone capabilities, as well as application and workload hosting capabilities. Secure Cloud Foundation helps customers achieve enterprise-grade security for their workloads running on AWS. In this post, walk through typical customer cloud adoption scenarios that could leverage the Secure Cloud Foundation.


Identify and Eliminate Risks on AWS IAM and Secure Data Stores Using Sonrai Dig

With the move to cloud, there has been a paradigm shift in how we protect our most valuable asset—data. Learn the importance of building a complete and accurate risk profile, which consists of your identity and data relationships. You’ll also learn how it’s critical to protect the sensitive, private, and confidential data. Sonrai Dig graphically maps all of your identities and determines their effective permissions, allowing you to get to least privilege across your entire AWS environment.


How Indexima Uses Hyper Indexes and Machine Learning to Enable Instant Analytics on Amazon S3

Achieving “speed of thought” or instant analytics on large data sets is a key challenge for business intelligence platforms. Traditionally, data engineers would design and deliver an optimized, aggregated subset of the data to a data warehouse to drive the visualization. This can often take weeks of development and testing or incur significant infrastructure costs. Learn how Indexima uses machine learning and hyper indexes to automate this process and accelerate analytics by up to 1000x across a full data set on Amazon S3.

Archiving Amazon MSK Data to Amazon S3 with the S3 Kafka Connect Connector

Amazon Managed Streaming for Apache Kafka (Amazon MSK) is a fully managed, highly available, and secure Apache Kafka service that makes it easy to build and run applications that use Kafka to process steaming data. Learn how to use the new open source Kafka Connect Connector (StreamReactor) from to query, transform, optimize, and archive data from Amazon MSK to Amazon S3. We’ll also demonstrate how to use Amazon Athena to query the partitioned parquet data directly from S3.