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Tag: AWS Partner Spotlight

Building an Asset Tracking Solution Using LoRaWAN with Semtech LoRa Cloud and AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN is a leading protocol utilizing Semtech’s LoRa long-range communications technology for LPWAN in battery-operated, remote monitoring, and control applications. AWS IoT Core for LoRaWAN offers a fully-managed LoRaWAN network server and delivers highly scalable, reliable services for a wide variety of use cases. Learn the core elements in an asset tracking application and how AWS and Semtech help lower the barrier for developers looking to deploy solutions.

Safely Modernizing a Monolith with AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces

AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces is designed to help customers refactor existing applications incrementally, while increasing business agility and time to market and maximizing the business value of AWS. Follow a demonstration of an actual upgrade of a monolithic application with AWS Migration Hub Refactor Spaces, including setting up the Migration Spaces environment and refactoring two microservices of the monolithic application.


Developing Data-Driven IoT Business Models for Sustainability with Storm Reply

Firms spend substantial efforts to identify and collect quality data streams from different sources. However, identifying and interpreting energy, water, or gas usage patterns and consumption types is sometimes insufficient. In this post, you’ll learn how Storm Reply, combining industry knowledge with its expertise in the development of data analytics platforms in AWS, can help customers in the design, development, and maintenance of secure serverless IoT big data platforms with a focus on sustainability.

Personalize Your Customers’ Experience with Easy-Access AWS AI Services

AWS artificial intelligence services can serve as a kind of ready-made building block that enable companies of all sizes and sectors to gain experience and create their own AI services, without having to build the fundamental functions from the bottom up. Via the cloud, companies can access AWS AI services and create their own chatbots, image analysis, or personalization tools, for example. To implement and customize these services, companies can draw on the expertise of Trivadis – Part of Accenture.


Apache Iceberg: An Introduction from Rackspace on Running the New Open Table Format on AWS

Data-driven decision making is accelerating and defining the way organizations work. With this transformation, there has been a rapid adoption of data lakes across the industry. Hear from Rackspace, an AWS Premier Tier Services Partner, about the drawbacks of existing data lake architecture, what Apache Iceberg is, and how it overcomes the shortcomings of the current state of data lakes. Then dive deep on the design differences between Apache Hive and Iceberg.


Enabling Data-Centric Artificial Intelligence Through Snowflake and Amazon SageMaker

Data-centric AI (DCAI) has been described as the discipline of systematically engineering the data used to build an AI system. It prescribes prioritizing improving data quality over tweaking algorithms to improve machine learning models. In this post, explore a DCAI solution built on Snowflake and Amazon SageMaker to serve as a factory for predictive analytics solutions. Learn about Snowflake’s integrations with SageMaker and get hands-on resources to help you put these capabilities into practice.


Securing AWS Accounts with Azure Active Directory Federation

With AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM), AWS provides a central way to manage user identities and permissions. However, creating and managing the lifecycle of IAM users in AWS can be time-consuming. This post explores how to authenticate users against Azure AD for access to one or multiple AWS accounts using SAML federation. Additionally, it includes a walkthrough on how to setup the federation across Azure AD and multiple AWS accounts.

Automating Serverless Best Practices with Dashbird’s Serverless Well-Architected Insights

Customers building on AWS can benefit from specific alignment to either their architecture or an industry vertical via lenses which are included within the AWS Well-Architected Tool and include questions applicable to that particular workload. Learn how findings from the Serverless Application Lens can be automated using Dashbird Insights to show misconfigurations and best practice violations in relation to serverless workloads. This post walks through the deployment of an example serverless application that we’ll profile using Dashbird Insights.

Create AWS Accounts and Align to the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark with Stax

Learn how the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark helps organizations operate securely whilst examining the common challenges businesses face in its implementation. Stax can offer a solution to speed up AWS account creation while adhering to the CIS AWS Foundations Benchmark. Creating and configuring AWS accounts securely can be a time-consuming and tedious exercise. Competing priorities can result in rushed or inconsistent process, impacting security, agility, and velocity.


Accelerate Computer-Aided Engineering Workloads with Hybrid Cloud HPC Scenarios

As a long-standing partner of automotive and life science companies, the Atos Science + Computing Unit specializes in providing customers with tailor-made and demand-driven HPC solutions. Learn about two hybrid HPC deployments that are transparently integrated with the traditional workload manager that controls existing on-premises HPC resources, and how they are distinguished by entirely different approaches.