AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Lambda


Application Modernization on AWS with Infosys Accelerators for Serverless

Serverless technologies have matured a lot over the years, and it’s easier than ever to deploy the entire stack of applications using serverless and AWS managed services. Infosys is seeing enterprises across industries take advantage of the power of serverless architecture for a variety of use cases. Learn how serverless architecture on AWS can help enterprises modernize their application landscape, along with common use cases and some reference architectures.

Say Hello

Say Hello to 75 New AWS Competency, Service Delivery, Service Ready, and MSP Partners Added in March

We are excited to highlight 75 AWS Partners that received new designations in March for our global AWS Competency, AWS Managed Service Provider (MSP), AWS Service Delivery, and AWS Service Ready programs. These designations span workload, solution, and industry, and help AWS customers identify top AWS Partners that can deliver on core business objectives. AWS Partners are focused on your success, helping customers take full advantage of the business benefits AWS has to offer.


Machine Learning Infrastructure for Commercial Real Estate Insights Platform

Learn now Provectus looked into how machine learning models were prototyped and evaluated at VTS, and then delivered a template-based solution enabling their data scientists to more easily create Amazon SageMaker jobs, pipelines, endpoints, and other AWS resources. The resulting coherent set of templates, with usage cookbook and extension guidelines, was applied successfully on an ML model that predicted leasing outcomes.


Extend the Value of File Data in Architecture, Engineering, and Construction Workflows with Nasuni

In construction, new methods of capturing site information, such as laser scanning, photogrammetry, drone photography, and continuous video monitoring have presented challenges for file storage, analysis, and archiving. Learn how the Nasuni Analytics Connector can help architecture, engineering, and construction customers gain business insight from file data, while using many of the network-attached storage they’re familiar with.


How Storm Reply Enables Industrial IoT and Predictive Maintenance at Schenck Process Group with AWS IoT

Learn how Storm Reply used AWS IoT services to implement a solution that is highly scalable, easy to maintain, and optimized to satisfy custom requirements for Schenck Process Group, a global market leader in measurement and process technology. Storm Reply’s approach is to pair the edge device capabilities of AWS IoT Greengrass with the storage and processing power of AWS and pairing these tools with a custom, high-quality web application.


Reimagining Digital Transformation with Capgemini’s Digital Cloud Platform for Restaurants on AWS

The restaurant industry is experiencing an unprecedented transformational change. Elevated expectations for cleanliness, health, and safety are accelerating the adoption of contactless technologies, curbside pickup options, and mobile payments. Learn how Capgemini’s Digital Cloud Platform (DCP) for Restaurants empowers the industry to reimagine digital transformation by delivering compelling customer interaction and streamlined operations while reducing costs and improving efficiency.


GA Telesis Launches a Fraud Detection SaaS Solution with Support from AWS SaaS Factory

With the support of AWS SaaS Factory, GA Telesis launched the FraudBlock SaaS solution, a fraud protect API service for companies to protect their organizations from BEC/EAC scams and help securely perform B2B transactions. The SaaS Factory team spoke with Darryl Maraj, Head of Technology at DIG and CTO at Blockrails, to learn more about Blockrails, the value its new FraudBlock solution brings to customers, and the key lessons learned building a SaaS solution on AWS.


How AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS Lambda Allow Legacy Hardware to be Cloud-Enabled

Much of the hardware used on the factory floor today has been in place for many years, and managing these devices from the internet often requires replacement of the hardware. Utilizing AWS IoT Greengrass and AWS Lambda functions allow legacy hardware to be maintained, while providing full internet connectivity and management. This post shows how 42Q, an AWS Industrial Software Competency Partner, uses AWS IoT Greengrass to allow legacy label printers to be cloud-enabled.

Best Practices from OST for Optimizing IoT Cloud Platform Costs and Performance on AWS

When working with an IoT solution and expertly crafted architecture, new features can be implemented in record time, giving your product a real competitive edge. IoT platform managers continually strive to update and evolve platforms, and the largest pain point is cost. Open Systems Technologies (OST) shares best practices to get your IoT solution running efficiently without sacrificing opportunities for new growth.


Using Amazon Comprehend Medical with the Snowflake Data Cloud

Healthcare customers use Snowflake to store all types of clinical data in a single source of truth. One method for gaining insights from this data is to use Amazon Comprehend Medical, which is a HIPAA-eligible natural language processing service that uses machine learning to extract health data from medical text. Learn how the Snowflake Data Cloud allows healthcare and life sciences organizations to centralize data in a single and secure location.