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Tag: AWS Partner Solutions Architects (SA)


Optimizing the Cost of Your SaaS Environment with the AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens

Capturing, managing, and analyzing costs is an essential part of any SaaS business. Without a firm grasp on the cost profile of your SaaS environment, it will be difficult to assess the tiering and pricing models of your solution. Learn how the Cost Optimization pillar of the AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens identifies specific best practices that can help you improve the cost profile of a SaaS application. These play a key role in shaping the operational and scaling experience of your SaaS environment.


Servicing Customers on Social Messenger Channels via Amazon Connect Chat

Amazon Connect is an easy-to-use cloud contact center platform that helps enterprises provide superior customer service at a lower cost. TCS has built an adapter that can pick up the customer queries from social messenger channels and bring them into the web chat channel of Amazon Connect. This post describes the high-level architecture of the TCS solution, potential benefits, and ways to extend the solution to leverage other AWS services.


How to Get Logs from Amazon S3 Using Filebeat and Metricbeat in Elastic Stack

When you use Amazon S3 to store corporate data and host websites, you need additional logging to monitor access to your data and the performance of your applications. An effective logging solution enhances security and improves detection of security incidents. Learn how to use the Elastic Beats to extract logs stored in S3 buckets that can be indexed, analyzed, and visualized with the Elastic Stack. Elastic is an AWS ISV Partner that helps you find information, gain insights, and protect your data when you run on AWS.


Amazon CloudFront Cache Strategy for Successful Global Game Deployment

Game service providers around the world are releasing new games and updating large-scale contents to attract game users. This post explores how you can leverage the benefits of Amazon CloudFront to deliver successful global gaming content and examines how to leverage CloudFront’s cache, especially in the gaming field. Additionally, CloudFront integrates with AWS Shield and AWS WAF to add flexible layer-specific security types from attacks at the network transport and application layers.


Implementing Multi-Factor Authentication in React Using Auth0 and AWS Amplify

AWS Amplify is a set of tools and services that can be used, together or on their own, to help frontend web and mobile developers build scalable full stack applications. With Amplify, you can configure app backends and connect your app in minutes, deploy static web apps in a few clicks, and easily manage app content outside the AWS Management Console. Learn how to add multi-factor authentication to a React Single-Page Application (SPA) using Auth0 and AWS Amplify.


Enhance Security and Amazon EC2 Visibility with BMC Helix Discovery and AWS Systems Manager

Moving to the cloud and managing a hybrid infrastructure requires a deep and detailed understanding of what you have and how each component relates to the rest. Learn how the new integration between BMC Helix Discovery and AWS Systems Manager simplifies the overall discovery process with increased security scanning and comprehensive, dynamic mapping across complex, multi-cloud environments and infrastructure. As a result, IT teams can increase visibility, improve security, and gain the insights they need.

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Application Modernization Using Microservices Architecture with VMware Cloud on AWS

AWS customers can start transforming their applications and moving towards microservices architecture by utilizing the VMware Cloud on AWS. Learn how to integrate VMware Cloud on AWS with Amazon EKS to accelerate application modernization. Amazon EKS provides a simplified and fully managed Kubernetes platform to effortlessly manage container workloads and deploy microservices-based applications, along with multiple flexible options to publish microservices externally.


Deploying Software AG Adabas and Natural Workloads on AWS

Many organizations have core business and critical workloads running on Adabas and Natural in a mainframe environment. Customers are looking for ways to reduce cost, increase agility, and improve IT workforce productivity. For this purpose, Software AG provides products and services to deploy applications to AWS. Learn how Adabas and Natural applications can be deployed and modernized on AWS, and run in a resilient and scalable way to deliver high service quality and business value.

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AWS Direct Connect Integration with VMware Cloud on AWS

With hybrid implementations, we see a design pattern where customers configure connectivity to allow communication between on-premises and VMware Cloud on AWS networks. Customers use various methods such us a VPN and/or AWS Direct Connect to implement hybrid cloud connectivity. Learn how to leverage Direct Connect to establish hybrid connectivity between on-premises VMware infrastructure and VMware Cloud on AWS.


How ALTR Helped Q2’s Biller Direct Offering Become Level 1 PCI DSS Certified in 30 Days

Learn how Q2, a financial experience company that provides digital banking and lending solutions, worked with AWS ISV Partner ALTR, a provider of data security as a service that runs exclusively on AWS, to launch a PCI DSS-compliant application in a fraction of the time it normally takes to achieve certification. Q2’s Biller Direct application provides a centralized payment environment where users can enroll, manage their bills, and view projected spend.