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Tag: SaaS Insights Hub

Aerospike Cloud: Scalable Real-time Database-as-a-Service with AWS SaaS Factory Support

By Lenley Hensarling, Chief Product Officer – Aerospike By Akshay Patel, Senior Practice Lead, SaaS Partners – AWS SaaS Factory By Anthony McClure, Senior Partner Solutions Architect – AWS SaaS Factory By Bill Tarr, Principal Solutions Architect – AWS SaaS Factory Aerospike Real-time, high-performance workloads demand low-latency databases that can scale to meet the most […]

Patterns for Deploying SaaS in Remote Environments

SaaS is about achieving innovation and growth through efficient operations. SaaS application should be managed, operated, and scaled through a single management experience that increase this operational efficiency. In this post, we explore three distinct SaaS Anywhere patterns that we’ve identified and delve into the essential business drivers and associated considerations for each pattern. We’ll examine the challenges one should keep in mind when handling and overseeing a solution using the SaaS Anywhere deployment model.

Tracing Tenant Activity for Multi-Account SaaS with AWS Distro for Open Telemetry

In this post, delve into the process of detecting tenant activities within microservices spanning multiple AWS accounts. We provide insights into instrumenting AWS Lambda functions to include tenant information in tracing using ADOT and demonstrated how to establish a service map across several AWS accounts using Amazon CloudWatch. By leveraging AWS observability technology, SaaS providers can enhance operational efficiency and redirect their attention towards their desired development goals.

Importance and Impact of Compliance for SaaS Solutions on AWS

AWS experts break down what SaaS providers should consider in designing and building their compliant solution. We’ll dive into how achieving compliance will be an ongoing process, but regular monitoring and reporting can help make adhering to these frameworks a standard part of business operations. Good security controls, data privacy, and data management should be foundational components of a SaaS application from the beginning.

Introducing the Journey to SaaS Guide to Help You Build, Launch, and Operate SaaS Solutions on AWS

Whether you’re taking the first steps toward planning your software-as-a-service (SaaS) journey, or about to launch your first product, the new Journey to SaaS guide is designed to help drive your efforts to build, migrate, secure, and optimize SaaS solutions on AWS. Use this roadmap to identify which stage you’re in and review the corresponding actions, motivations, questions, pain points, and AWS SaaS Factory resources.

Optimizing Cost Per Tenant Visibility in SaaS Solutions

One of the top challenges in operating a software-as-a-service (SaaS) solution is measuring the resource consumption of individual tenants in order to understand their usage patterns, attribute costs, and more. The dynamic nature of SaaS environment and shifting needs makes it even more challenging. Explore how you can use the tenant resource consumption data you gathered to optimize your SaaS architecture, to improve operational footprint of SaaS environment and to drive business decisions.


Accelerate Your SaaS Journey with Help from AWS SaaS Competency Partners

While SaaS remains a huge growth driver and provides benefits to end customers and software providers, the transition to this model can be challenging as technology and operations take on new responsibilities in an “as-a-service” environment. To be successful, organizations need to rethink every dimension of how they build, sell, manage, support, and operate their solution. Learn how to accelerate your SaaS journey with help from AWS SaaS Competency Partners.


Exasol Accelerates Customers’ Migration to Cloud with Support of AWS SaaS Factory

Exasol provides a high performance in-memory analytics database to give organizations the power to transform how they work with data. Working with AWS SaaS Factory, Exasol launched their analytics database through a SaaS model and navigated technical and business decisions for launch and beyond. In this Q&A, Peter Jackson, Chief Data and Analytics Officer at Exasol, shares insights on their journey and advice for organizations who are in the process of building SaaS on AWS.


Getting Out of Your Own Way: How to Avoid Common SaaS Pitfalls

SaaS transformations are full of unknowns for those who navigate these issues for the first time. The AWS SaaS Factory team has observed many organizations transforming to a SaaS delivery model, and we have witnessed many that succeeded and some who haven’t. Explore five common challenges faced in the Business Planning phase of the SaaS Journey Framework, and dive deep on SaaS transformation pitfalls that are hindering companies’ success.


Optimizing the Cost of Your SaaS Environment with the AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens

Capturing, managing, and analyzing costs is an essential part of any SaaS business. Without a firm grasp on the cost profile of your SaaS environment, it will be difficult to assess the tiering and pricing models of your solution. Learn how the Cost Optimization pillar of the AWS Well-Architected SaaS Lens identifies specific best practices that can help you improve the cost profile of a SaaS application. These play a key role in shaping the operational and scaling experience of your SaaS environment.