AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Amazon EventBridge

Figure 2. Modernized queuing architecture using Amazon SQS

Modernized Database Queuing using Amazon SQS and AWS Services

This blog post was last reviewed/updated August, 2022. The updated version shown below is based on working backwards from a customer need to ensure data consistency post migration, to a modernized microservice architecture. A queuing system is composed of producers and consumers. A producer enqueues messages (writes messages to a database) and a consumer dequeues […]

Figure 1 - Architecture diagram showing Serverless Scheduling with Amazon EventBridge, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB

Serverless Scheduling with Amazon EventBridge, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB

Many applications perform scheduled tasks. For instance, you might want to automatically publish an article at a given time, change prices for offers which were defined weeks in advance, or notify customers 8 hours before a flight. These might be one-off tasks, or recurring ones. On Unix-like operating systems, you might have opted for the […]

CrowdStrike Falcon Horizon IOA architecture

Detect Adversary Behavior in Milliseconds with CrowdStrike and Amazon EventBridge

By integrating Amazon EventBridge with Falcon Horizon, CrowdStrike has developed a real-time, cloud-based solution that allows you to detect threats in less than a second. This solution uses AWS CloudTrail and EventBridge. CloudTrail allows governance, compliance, operational auditing, and risk auditing of your AWS account. EventBridge is a serverless event bus that makes it easier […]

Field Notes: Creating Custom Analytics Dashboards with FireEye Helix and Amazon QuickSight

FireEye Helix is a security operations platform that allows organizations to take control of any incident from detection to response. FireEye Helix detects security incidents by correlating logs and configuration settings from sources like VPC Flow Logs, AWS CloudTrail, and Security groups. In this blog post, we will discuss an architecture that allows you to […]

Training workflow

Classifying Millions of Amazon items with Machine Learning, Part I: Event Driven Architecture

As part of AWS Professional Services, we work with customers across different industries to understand their needs and supplement their teams with specialized skills and experience. Some of our customers are internal teams from the Amazon retail organization who request our help with their initiatives. One of these teams, the Global Environmental Affairs team, identifies […]

Figure 1. Validation system for data classification

Using Amazon Macie to Validate S3 Bucket Data Classification

Securing sensitive information is a high priority for organizations for many reasons. At the same time, organizations are looking for ways to empower development teams to stay agile and innovative. Centralized security teams strive to create systems that align to the needs of the development teams, rather than mandating how those teams must operate. Security […]

Figure 1. Architecture diagram depicting enterprise vertical integration with Amazon EventBridge

Vertical Integration Strategy Powered by Amazon EventBridge

Over the past few years, midsize and large enterprises have adopted vertical integration as part of their strategy to optimize operations and profitability. Vertical integration consists of separating different stages of the production line from other related departments, such as marketing and logistics. Enterprises implement such strategy to gain full control of their value chain: from the […]

Monolithic versus microservice approach

Issues to Avoid When Implementing Serverless Architecture with AWS Lambda

There’s lots of articles and advice on using AWS Lambda. I’d like to show you how to avoid some common issues so you can build the most effective architecture. Technologies emerge and become outdated quickly. So, solutions that may look like the right solution, otherwise known as anti-patterns, can prevent you from building a cost-optimized, […]

Backup and restore DR strategy

Disaster Recovery (DR) Architecture on AWS, Part II: Backup and Restore with Rapid Recovery

In a previous blog post, I introduced you to four strategies for disaster recovery (DR) on AWS. These strategies enable you to prepare for and recover from a disaster. By using the best practices provided in the AWS Well-Architected Reliability Pillar whitepaper to design your DR strategy, your workloads can remain available despite disaster events […]

DR Strategies

Disaster Recovery (DR) Architecture on AWS, Part I: Strategies for Recovery in the Cloud

As lead solutions architect for the AWS Well-Architected Reliability pillar, I help customers build resilient workloads on AWS. This helps them prepare for disaster events, which is one of the biggest challenges they can face. Such events include natural disasters like earthquakes or floods, technical failures such as power or network loss, and human actions […]