AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Architecture

Single-tenant configuration

AWS Cloud service considerations when modernizing account-per-tenant solutions

An increasing number of software as a service (SaaS) providers are modernizing their architectures to utilize resources more efficiently and reduce operational costs. There are multiple strategies that can be used when refining your multi-tenant architecture. This blog will look at a specific scenario where SaaS providers move from an account-per-tenant to an Amazon Elastic […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! Resiliency in architectures

What is “resiliency”, and why does it matter? When we discussed this topic in an early 2022 edition of Let’s Architect!, we referenced the AWS Well-Architected Framework, which defines resilience as having “the capability to recover when stressed by load, accidental or intentional attacks, and failure of any part in the workload’s components.” Businesses rely […]

Technical architecture for implementing multi-lingual semantic search functionality

Content Repository for Unstructured Data with Multilingual Semantic Search: Part 2

Leveraging vast unstructured data poses challenges, particularly for global businesses needing cross-language data search. In Part 1 of this blog series, we built the architectural foundation for the content repository. The key component of Part 1 was the dynamic access control-based logic with a web UI to upload documents. In Part 2, we extend the […]

Topic fanout pattern based on Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS

Best practices for implementing event-driven architectures in your organization

Event-driven architectures (EDA) are made up of components that detect business actions and changes in state, and encode this information in event notifications. Event-driven patterns are becoming more widespread in modern architectures because: they are the main invocation mechanism in serverless patterns. they are the preferred pattern for decoupling microservices, where asynchronous communications and event […]

End-to-end data-processing architecture

Temporal data lake architecture for benchmark and indices analytics

Financial trading houses and stock exchanges generate enormous volumes of data in near real-time, making it difficult to perform bi-temporal calculations that yield accurate results. Achieving this requires a processing architecture that can handle large volumes of data during peak bursts, meet strict latency requirements, and scale according to incoming volumes. In this post, we’ll […]

Let's Architect

Let’s Architect! DevOps Best Practices on AWS

DevOps has revolutionized software development and operations by fostering collaboration, automation, and continuous improvement. By bringing together development and operations teams, organizations can accelerate software delivery, enhance reliability, and achieve faster time-to-market. In this blog post, we will explore the best practices and architectural considerations for implementing DevOps with Amazon Web Services (AWS), enabling you […]

Optimize digital channels monitoring and management for Marketing

IBM Consulting creates innovative AWS solutions in French Hackathon

In March 2023, IBM Consulting delivered an Innovation Hackathon in France, aimed at designing and building new innovative solutions for real customer use cases using the AWS Cloud. In this post, we briefly explore six of the solutions considered and demonstrate the AWS architectures created and implemented during the Hackathon. Hackathon solutions Solution 1: Optimize […]

AI/ML hybrid data access strategy reference architecture

Designing a hybrid AI/ML data access strategy with Amazon SageMaker

Over time, many enterprises have built an on-premises cluster of servers, accumulating data, and then procuring more servers and storage. They often begin their ML journey by experimenting locally on their laptops. Investment in artificial intelligence (AI) is at a different stage in every business organization. Some remain completely on-premises, others are hybrid (both on-premises […]

Serverless data archiving and retrieval

Reduce archive cost with serverless data archiving

For regulatory reasons, decommissioning core business systems in financial services and insurance (FSI) markets requires data to remain accessible years after the application is retired. Traditionally, FSI companies either outsourced data archiving to third-party service providers, which maintained application replicas, or purchased vendor software to query and visualize archival data. In this blog post, we […]

Machine Learning Lens

Introducing the latest Machine Learning Lens for the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Today, we are delighted to introduce the latest version of the AWS Well-Architected Machine Learning (ML) Lens whitepaper. The AWS Well-Architected Framework provides architectural best practices for designing and operating ML workloads on AWS. It is based on six pillars: Operational Excellence, Security, Reliability, Performance Efficiency, Cost Optimization, and—a new addition to this revision—Sustainability. The […]