AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Messaging

High level diagram

Serving Billions of Ads in Just 100 ms Using Amazon Elasticache for Redis

This post was co-written with Lucas Ceballos, CTO of Smadex Introduction Showing ads may seem to be a simple task, but it’s not. Showing the right ad to the right user is an incredibly complex challenge that involves multiple disciplines such as artificial intelligence, data science, and software engineering. Doing it one million times per […]

app integration - benefits

Application Integration Using Queues and Messages

In previous blog posts in this messaging series, we provided an overview of messaging and we also explained the common characteristics to consider when  evaluating messaging channel technologies. In this post, we will explain some of the semantics of queue-based processing, its use in designing flexible systems, and how to apply it to your use […]

This is My Architecture: Halodoc

Halodoc: Building the Future of Tele-Health One Microservice at a Time

Halodoc, a Jakarta-based healthtech platform, uses tele-health and artificial intelligence to connect patients, doctors, and pharmacies. Join builder Adrian De Luca for this special edition of This is My Architecture as he dives deep into the solutions architecture of this Indonesian healthtech platform that provides healthcare services in one of the most challenging traffic environments […]

Introduction to Messaging for Modern Cloud Architecture

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading our posts on best practices for your serverless applications. The posts in the following series will focus on best practices when introducing messaging patterns into your applications. Let’s review some core messaging concepts and see how they can be used to address challenges when designing modern cloud architectures. Introduction Applications […]

Static stability using availability zones

re:Invent 2019: Introducing the Amazon Builders’ Library (Part I)

This week I’m telling you about a new site we launched at re:Invent, the Amazon Builders’ Library, a collection of living articles covering topics across architecture, software delivery, and operations. You get to peek under the hood of how Amazon architects, releases, and operates the software underpinning and AWS. Want to know how does what it does? […]


Things to Consider When You Build REST APIs with Amazon API Gateway

A few weeks ago, we kicked off this series with a discussion on REST vs GraphQL APIs. This post will dive deeper into the things an API architect or developer should consider when building REST APIs with Amazon API Gateway. Request Rate (a.k.a. “TPS”) Request rate is the first thing you should consider when designing REST APIs. […]

Intuit: Serving Millions of Global Customers with Amazon Connect

As a 35-year-old company with an international customer base, Intuit is widely known as the maker of Quick Books and Turbo Tax, among other software products. Its 50 million customers can access its global contact centers not just for password resets and feature explanations, but for detailed tax interpretation and advice. As you can imagine, […]

Migration hub

Optimizing a Lift-and-Shift for Security

This is the third and final blog within a three-part series that examines how to optimize lift-and-shift workloads. A lift-and-shift is a common approach for migrating to AWS, whereby you move a workload from on-prem with little or no modification. This third blog examines how lift-and-shift workloads can benefit from an improved security posture with […]

Cost effectiveness

Optimizing a Lift-and-Shift for Cost Effectiveness and Ease of Management

Lift-and-shift is the process of migrating a workload from on premise to AWS with little or no modification. A lift-and-shift is a common route for enterprises to move to the cloud, and can be a transitionary state to a more cloud native approach. This is the second blog post in a three-part series which investigates […]


Optimizing a Lift-and-Shift for Performance

Many organizations begin their cloud journey with a lift-and-shift of applications from on-premise to AWS. This approach involves migrating software deployments with little, or no, modification. A lift-and-shift avoids a potentially expensive application rewrite but can result in a less optimal workload than a cloud native solution. For many organizations, a lift-and-shift is a transitional […]