AWS Architecture Blog

Architecture Monthly Magazine: Genomics

The field of genomics has made huge strides in the last 20 years. Genomics organizations and researchers are rising to the many challenges we face today, and seeking improved methods for future needs. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides an array of services that can help the genomics industry with securely handling and interpreting genomics data, […]

a custom solution for Cross-Account, Cross-Region database replication with configurable Recovery Time

Field Notes: How to Set Up Your Cross-Account and Cross-Region Database for Amazon Aurora

This post was co-written by Ashutosh Pateriya, Solution Architect at AWS and Nirmal Tomar, Principal Consultant at Infosys Technologies Ltd.  Various organizations have stringent regulatory compliance obligations or business requirements that require an effective cross-account and cross-region database setup. We recommend to establish a Disaster Recovery (DR) environment in different AWS accounts and Regions for […]

Figure 2: AI Factory high-level architecture

ERGO Breaks New Frontiers for Insurance with AI Factory on AWS

This post is co-authored with Piotr Klesta, Robert Meisner and Lukasz Luszczynski of ERGO Artificial intelligence (AI) and related technologies are already finding applications in our homes, cars, industries, and offices. The insurance business is no exception to this. When AI is implemented correctly, it adds a major competitive advantage. It enhances the decision-making process, […]

Initial Orchestration Architecture

Field Notes: Orchestrating and Monitoring Complex, Long-running Workflows Using AWS Step Functions

Situation: S&P Global Market Intelligence’s WSO solution offers financial reports to hundreds of clients worldwide. When S&P Global Market Intelligence completed the migration of WSO’s SaaS software to AWS, it unlocked the power and agility to deliver new product features monthly, as opposed to a multi-year release cycle. This migration also presented a great opportunity […]

Figure 1. Architecture diagram depicting enterprise vertical integration with Amazon EventBridge

Vertical Integration Strategy Powered by Amazon EventBridge

Over the past few years, midsize and large enterprises have adopted vertical integration as part of their strategy to optimize operations and profitability. Vertical integration consists of separating different stages of the production line from other related departments, such as marketing and logistics. Enterprises implement such strategy to gain full control of their value chain: from the […]

Top 5 posts of Q1 2021

Top 5 Architecture Blog Posts for Q2 2021

The goal of the AWS Architecture Blog is to highlight best practices and provide architectural guidance. We publish thought leadership pieces that encourage readers to discover other technical documentation such as solutions and managed solutions, other AWS blogs, videos, reference architectures, whitepapers, and guides, training and certification, case studies, and the AWS Architecture Monthly Magazine. […]

Overview of Data Transfer Costs for Common Architectures

Data transfer charges are often overlooked while architecting a solution in AWS. Considering data transfer charges while making architectural decisions can help save costs. This blog post will help identify potential data transfer charges you may encounter while operating your workload on AWS. Service charges are out of scope for this blog, but should be […]

Top 5 posts of Q1 2021

Top 5: Featured Architecture Content for June

The AWS Architecture Center provides new and notable reference architecture diagrams, vetted architecture solutions, AWS Well-Architected best practices, whitepapers, and more. This blog post features some of our top picks from the new and newly updated content we released this month. 1. Taco Bell: Aurora as The Heart of the Menu Middleware and Data Integration […]

Figure 1. Data pipeline that cleans, processes, and segments data

How Financial Institutions can use AWS to Address Regulatory Reporting

Since the 2008 financial crisis, banking supervisory institutions such as the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision (BCBS) have strengthened regulations. There is now increased oversight over the financial services industry. For banks, making the necessary changes to comply with these rules is a challenging, multi-year effort. Basel IV, a massive update to existing rules, is […]