AWS Architecture Blog

Lion with megaphone

AWS Architecture Monthly Magazine: Advertising & Marketing

With 200+ services and 15 years of proven expertise, AWS has everything you need to build faster, operate cost-effectively, and run virtually any advertising and marketing technology workload at petabyte scale and millisecond latency. For the July issue, we spoke to three Advertising & Marketing experts about the general architecture pattern trends in this sector […]

AWS Well-Architected

Announcing the New Version of the Well-Architected Framework

“Nothing is constant except for change.” – Unknown We are announcing the availability of a new version of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. We’ve made changes in response to your feedback, as well as to industry trends that are becoming widely adopted. We focused on four themes: removing perceived repetition, adding content areas to explicitly call […]

AWS Well-Architected

What’s New in the Well-Architected Operational Excellence Pillar?

We recently released an updated version of the Operational Excellence pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework, which includes expanded guidance on operating model, and organizational culture, as well as some other refinements. Gerald Weinberg, in his 1985 book, The Secrets of Consulting, defined The Second Law of Consulting as “No matter how it looks at […]

AWS Well-Architected

What’s New in the Well-Architected Reliability Pillar?

The new version of the Reliability pillar for AWS Well-Architected includes expanded content across all areas of reliability. Guidance on distributed system architecture has been reorganized and expanded, and new best practices have been added as part of the Well-Architected Review. There is a sharper focus on chaos engineering with more explanation and examples. We’ve […]

AWS Well-Architected

What’s New in the Well-Architected Performance Efficiency Pillar?

We recently published a significant update to the AWS Well-Architected Framework, and as part of that update, the Performance Efficiency Pillar whitepaper has been streamlined and improved. The questions in the whitepaper are now better aligned with those in the AWS Well-Architected Tool, making it easy to cross-reference between them when reviewing workloads. With clearer […]

Global WAN

Leveraging AWS Global Backbone for Data Center Migration and Global Expansion

Many companies run their applications in data centers, server rooms or in space rented from colocation providers in multiple countries. Those companies usually have a mixture of a small number of central large data centers where their core systems are hosted in several smaller, regional data centers. These offices in the multiple countries require access […]

CodeCommit. CodeBuild, ECR

Serverless Architecture for a Web Scraping Solution

If you are interested in serverless architecture, you may have read many contradictory articles and wonder if serverless architectures are cost effective or expensive. I would like to clear the air around the issue of effectiveness through an analysis of a web scraping solution. The use case is fairly simple: at certain times during the […]

Field Notes: Bring your C#.NET skills to Amazon SageMaker

Amazon SageMaker is a fully managed service that provides developers and data scientists with the ability to build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models quickly. SageMaker removes the undifferentiated heavy lifting from each step of the machine learning process to make it easier to develop high-quality models. Amazon SageMaker Notebooks are one-click Jupyter Notebooks […]

Architecture of the application

Field Notes: Optimize your Java application for AWS Lambda with Quarkus

This blog post is a continuation of an existing article about optimizing your Java application for Amazon ECS with Quarkus. In this blog post, we examine the benefits of Quarkus in the context of AWS Lambda. Quarkus is a framework that uses the Open Java Development Kit (OpenJDK) with GraalVM and over 50 libraries like RESTEasy, Vertx, Hibernate, […]

Media and Entertainment

Architecture Monthly Magazine: Media & Entertainment

AWS makes it fast and easy for the Media and Entertainment (M&E) industry to produce, process, and deliver broadcast and over-the-top video. These pay-as-you-go services and appliance products offer the video infrastructure you need to deliver great viewing experiences to any screen. For June’s issue of AWS Architecture Monthly, WW Tech Leader Konstantin Wilms talks […]