AWS Marketplace

Category: Amazon Kinesis

Improve security monitoring within your AWS environment with

Improve security monitoring within your AWS environment with

In this post, Mark and I will show you how to use to build a centralized observability strategy to enhance visibility into your AWS environment and increase your security posture.

Five-minute data connection and transformation from AWS to anywhere using Nexla

Five-minute data connection and transformation from AWS to anywhere using Nexla

As data becomes ubiquitous and data environments grow more complex, my customers ask for scalable solutions for managing their data flows. Accessing data from different vendors and data sources can be complicated, and transformations and checkpoints require the expertise of data engineers. Custom in-house solutions present a cost in both development and management time. Businesses […]

observability with moesif and AWS marketplace

How to gain API observability with Amazon API Gateway and Moesif in minutes

API observability, which consists of logging, monitoring, and tracing, is a form of direct observation of a system and requires an agent or SDK to passively log API traffic. This data collection can be done within the application or at different points, such as with an API gateway. API observability can provide your business and […]

CloudEndure architecture diagram

Automate AWS account provisioning and server migration using AWS Service Catalog and CloudEndure from AWS Marketplace

If you’re involved in a migration project for your company that is moving to the AWS Cloud, you’ll likely go through a variety of stages, such as migration preparation, portfolio discovery, planning, and design. In most cases, the rubber hits the road after these stages, and you begin migrating your physical, virtual, or cloud-based infrastructur­­­­­e […]