AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Use the reverse token filter to enable suffix matching queries in OpenSearch

In this post, we show how you can implement a suffix-based search. OpenSearch is an open-source RESTful search engine built on top of the Apache Lucene library. OpenSearch full-text search is fast, can give the result of complex queries within a fraction of a second. With OpenSearch, you can convert unstructured text into structured text using different text analyzers, tokenizers, and filters to improve search. OpenSearch uses a default analyzer, called the standard analyzer, which works well for most use cases out of the box. But for some use cases, it may not work best, and you need to use a specific analyzer.

Amazon CloudWatch metrics for Amazon OpenSearch Service storage and shard skew health

In this post, we explore how to deploy Amazon CloudWatch metrics using an AWS CloudFormation template to monitor an OpenSearch Service domain’s storage and shard skew. This solution uses an AWS Lambda function to extract storage and shard distribution metadata from your OpenSearch Service domain, calculates the level of skew, and then pushes this information to CloudWatch metrics so that you can easily monitor, alert, and respond.

Derive operational insights from application logs using Automated Data Analytics on AWS

Automated Data Analytics (ADA) on AWS is an AWS solution that enables you to derive meaningful insights from data in a matter of minutes through a simple and intuitive user interface. ADA offers an AWS-native data analytics platform that is ready to use out of the box by data analysts for a variety of use […]

Configure SAML federation for Amazon OpenSearch Serverless with Okta

Modern applications apply security controls across many systems and their subsystems. Keeping all of these systems in sync would be a major undertaking if you tried to implement it separately. Centralized identity management is the way to maintain a single identity provider (IdP) that can authenticate actors and manage and distribute their rights. OpenSearch is […]

Perform time series forecasting using Amazon Redshift ML and Amazon Forecast

Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse service in the cloud. Tens of thousands of customers use Amazon Redshift to process exabytes of data every day to power their analytics workloads. Many businesses use different software tools to analyze historical data and past patterns to forecast future demand and trends to make more […]

Configure cross-Region table access with the AWS Glue Catalog and AWS Lake Formation

Today’s modern data lakes span multiple accounts, AWS Regions, and lines of business in organizations. Companies also have employees and do business across multiple geographic regions and even around the world. It’s important that their data solution gives them the ability to share and access data securely and safely across Regions. The AWS Glue Data […]

Create an Apache Hudi-based near-real-time transactional data lake using AWS DMS, Amazon Kinesis, AWS Glue streaming ETL, and data visualization using Amazon QuickSight

We recently announced support for streaming extract, transform, and load (ETL) jobs in AWS Glue version 4.0, a new version of AWS Glue that accelerates data integration workloads in AWS. AWS Glue streaming ETL jobs continuously consume data from streaming sources, clean and transform the data in-flight, and make it available for analysis in seconds. AWS also offers a broad selection of services to support your needs. A database replication service such as AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) can replicate the data from your source systems to Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3), which commonly hosts the storage layer of the data lake. This post demonstrates how to apply CDC changes from Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) or other relational databases to an S3 data lake, with flexibility to denormalize, transform, and enrich the data in near-real time.

Estimating Scope 1 Carbon Footprint with Amazon Athena

Today, more than 400 organizations have signed The Climate Pledge, a commitment to reach net-zero carbon by 2040. Some of the drivers that lead to setting explicit climate goals include customer demand, current and anticipated government relations, employee demand, investor demand, and sustainability as a competitive advantage. AWS customers are increasingly interested in ways to […]

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams on-demand capacity mode now scales up to 1 GB/second ingest capacity

Amazon Kinesis Data Streams is a serverless data streaming service that makes it easy to capture, process, and store streaming data at any scale. As customers collect and stream more types of data, they have asked for simpler, elastic data streams that can handle variable and unpredictable data traffic. In November 2021, Amazon Web Services […]