Business Productivity

Category: Application Integration

Architecture diagram of Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics Real-Time Summarizer solution

Effortlessly Summarize Phone Conversations with Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics: Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction The Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics Real-Time Summarizer is a solution that provides real-time summarization of the phone conversation held through Amazon Chime SDK Voice Connector that leverages the Amazon Chime SDK call analytics to provide real-time summarization of phone conversation health. This demo, Amazon Chime SDK Call Analytics Real-Time Summarizer, utilizes the Amazon […]

Event-Based Amazon Chime Webhooks using AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge

As complexity in projects and workloads increases, there is a constant need to automate manual tasks to save teams and customers time and resources. Customers have used this automation to set up reminders for deployments, on-call rotations, and maintenance. Amazon Chime is a communication service used by organizations to connect teams. Amazon Chime offers webhooks […]