AWS Compute Blog

Invoking AWS Lambda from Amazon MQ

This post courtesy of Josh Kahn, AWS Solutions Architect Message brokers can be used to solve a number of needs in enterprise architectures, including managing workload queues and broadcasting messages to a number of subscribers. Amazon MQ is a managed message broker service for Apache ActiveMQ that makes it easy to set up and operate […]

Task Networking in AWS Fargate

AWS Fargate is a new compute engine for containers that allows you to focus on running your application without needing to provision, monitor, or manage the underlying compute infrastructure. You package your application into a Docker container that you can then launch using your container orchestration tool of choice. Fargate allows you to use containers […]

Building Blocks of Amazon ECS

So, what’s Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS)? ECS is a managed service for running containers on AWS, designed to make it easy to run applications in the cloud without worrying about configuring the environment for your code to run in. Using ECS, you can easily deploy containers to host a simple website or run complex […]

Migrating .NET Classic Applications to Amazon ECS Using Windows Containers

This post contributed by Sundar Narasiman, Arun Kannan, and Thomas Fuller. AWS recently announced the general availability of Windows container management for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS). Docker containers and Amazon ECS make it easy to run and scale applications on a virtual machine by abstracting the complex cluster management and setup needed. Classic .NET […]

Maintaining Transport Layer Security All the Way to Your Container: Using the Network Load Balancer with Amazon ECS

This post contributed by AWS Senior Cloud Infrastructure Architect Anabell St Vincent. Some systems or applications require Transport Layer Security (TLS) traffic from the client all the way through to the Docker container, without offloading or terminating certificates at a load balancer. Some highly time-sensitive services may require communication over TLS without any decryption and […]

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How To Migrate Multi-Tier Environments Using The AWS Server Migration Service

This post courtesy of Shane Baldacchino, Solutions Architect at Amazon Web Services. Many customers ask for guidance on migrating end-to-end solutions running on virtual machines over to AWS. This post provides an overview of moving a common WordPress blog running on a virtualized platform to AWS, including re-pointing the DNS records associated to with the […]

CodeStar Go application

Announcing Go Support for AWS Lambda

This post courtesy of Paul Maddox, Specialist Solutions Architect (Developer Technologies). Today, we’re excited to announce Go as a supported language for AWS Lambda. As someone who’s done their fair share of Go development (recent projects include AWS SAM Local and GoFormation), this is a release I’ve been looking forward to for a while. I’m […]

Set Up a Continuous Delivery Pipeline for Containers Using AWS CodePipeline and Amazon ECS

This post contributed by Abby Fuller, AWS Senior Technical Evangelist Last week, AWS announced support for Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) targets (including AWS Fargate) in AWS CodePipeline. This support makes it easier to create a continuous delivery pipeline for container-based applications and microservices. Building and deploying containerized services manually is slow and prone to errors. Continuous delivery […]

Serverless @ re:Invent 2017

At re:Invent 2014, we announced AWS Lambda, what is now the center of the serverless platform at AWS, and helped ignite the trend of companies building serverless applications. This year, at re:Invent 2017, the topic of serverless was everywhere. We were incredibly excited to see the energy from everyone attending 7 workshops, 15 chalk talks, 20 […]

Longer Resource IDs in 2018 for Amazon EC2, Amazon EBS, and Amazon VPC

This post contributed by Laura Thomson, Senior Product Manager for Amazon EC2. As you start planning for the new year, I want to give you a heads up that Amazon EC2 is migrating to longer format, 17-character resource IDs. Instances and volumes currently already receive this ID format. Beginning in July 2018, all newly created […]