AWS Compute Blog

Tag: contributed

MongoDB clusters UI

Ingesting MongoDB Atlas data using Amazon EventBridge

This post demonstrates how to connect MongoDB Atlas data with the AWS Cloud using Amazon EventBridge. EventBridge helps you connect data from a range of SaaS applications using minimal code. It can help reduce operational overhead and build powerful event-driven architectures more easily. For more information about integrating data between SaaS applications, see Amazon EventBridge.

Reference architecture

Automating mutual TLS setup for Amazon API Gateway

Mutual TLS (mTLS) for API Gateway is now generally available at no additional cost. This post shows how to automate mutual TLS for Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs using the AWS Certificate Manager Private Certificate Authority as a private CA. Using infrastructure as code (IaC) enables you to develop, deploy, and scale cloud applications, often with greater speed, less risk, and reduced cost.

Solution architecture

Using Amazon SQS dead-letter queues to replay messages

This is courtesy of Alexandre Pinhel, Specialist SA Manager, in collaboration with Guillaume Marchand and Luke Hargreaves, Solutions Architects. Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service. It enables you to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. A commonly used feature of Amazon SQS is dead-letter queues. The […]

Walkthrough architecture

Simplifying cross-account access with Amazon EventBridge resource policies

This post shows you how to use the new features Amazon EventBridge resource policies that make it easier to build applications that work across accounts.  Resource policies provide you with a powerful mechanism for modeling your event buses across multiple accounts, and give you fine-grained control over EventBridge API invocations.

Example architecture

Getting started with RPA using AWS Step Functions and Amazon Textract

This post is courtesy of Joe Tringali, Solutions Architect. Many organizations are using robotic process automation (RPA) to automate workflow, back-office processes that are labor-intensive. RPA, as software bots, can often handle many of these activities. Often RPA workflows contain repetitive manual tasks that must be done by humans, such as viewing invoices to find […]

Backend architecture

Application integration patterns for microservices: Running distributed RFQs

In this blog, I present the scatter-gather pattern, which is a composite pattern based on pub-sub and point-to-point messaging channels. It also employs correlation ID and return address. I show how this is implemented in the Wild Rydes example application. You can use this integration pattern for communication in your microservices.