AWS DevOps Blog

Tag: Continuous Integration

Blue/Green deployments using AWS CDK Pipelines and AWS CodeDeploy

Customers often ask for help with implementing Blue/Green deployments to Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) using AWS CodeDeploy. Their use cases usually involve cross-Region and cross-account deployment scenarios. These requirements are challenging enough on their own, but in addition to those, there are specific design decisions that need to be considered when using CodeDeploy. […]

Github monorepo - CodePipeline Sample Architecture

Integrate GitHub monorepo with AWS CodePipeline to run project-specific CI/CD pipelines

Understand how to automate trigger of project specific code pipeline for GitHub mono repos users. Currently, if a customer is using GitHub as a version control system and he has only one repository which contains multiple folders each for a different project, change in any file, triggers the code pipeline for the whole repository rather than for the appropriate project. With this blog, they would be able to automate trigger of appropriate pipeline based on the project folder where the file gets changed.

CI/CD on Amazon EKS using AWS CodeCommit, AWS CodePipeline, AWS CodeBuild, and FluxCD

This post discusses how we can speed up the development of our Kubernetes infrastructure by using a continuous integration (CI) pipeline to build our Docker images and automatically deploy them to our Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) cluster using FluxCD and the GitOps philosophy as the continuous delivery (CD) element. To do so, we […]

Integrating AWS Device Farm with your CI/CD pipeline to run cross-browser Selenium tests

Continuously building, testing, and deploying your web application helps you release new features sooner and with fewer bugs. In this blog, you will create a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for a web app using AWS CodeStar services and AWS Device Farm’s desktop browser testing service.  AWS CodeStar is a suite of services […]

Mainfrme DevOps On AWS Architecture Overview, Two types of pipelines, Project Pipeline and Regression Pipeline

Automate thousands of mainframe tests on AWS with the Micro Focus Enterprise Suite

We have seen mainframe customers often encounter scalability constraints, and they can’t support their development and test workforce to the scale required to support business requirements. These constraints can lead to delays, reduce product or feature releases, and make them unable to respond to market requirements. Furthermore, limits in capacity and scale often affect the quality of changes deployed, and are linked to unplanned or unexpected downtime in products or services.
The conventional approach to address these constraints is to scale up, meaning to increase MIPS/MSU capacity of the mainframe hardware available for development and testing. The cost of this approach, however, is excessively high, and to ensure time to market, you may reject this approach at the expense of quality and functionality. If you’re wrestling with these challenges, this post is written specifically for you.

Architecture diagram

Cross-account and cross-region deployment using GitHub actions and AWS CDK

GitHub Actions is a feature on GitHub’s popular development platform that helps you automate your software development workflows in the same place you store code and collaborate on pull requests and issues. You can write individual tasks called actions, and combine them to create a custom workflow. Workflows are custom automated processes that you can […]

Architecture diagram

Building a CI/CD pipeline for cross-account deployment of an AWS Lambda API with the Serverless Framework

Modern-day applications that reside on AWS have several distinct environments and accounts, such as dev, test, and staging. An application has to go through an elaborate process of deployment and testing in these environments before reaching its final destination. To achieve automated deployment of the application across different environments, you must use CI/CD pipelines. Different […]

Multi-branch CodePipeline strategy with event-driven architecture

Multi-branch CodePipeline strategy with event-driven architecture

February 9, 2024: Before reading this post, please note that AWS CodePipeline recently added support for Branch-based development and Monorepos simplifying the architecture discussed in this post. Henrique Bueno, DevOps Consultant, Professional Services This blog post presents a solution for automated pipelines creation in AWS CodePipeline when a new branch is created in an AWS […]

Setting up a CI/CD pipeline by integrating Jenkins with AWS CodeBuild and AWS CodeDeploy

In this post, I explain how to use the Jenkins open-source automation server to deploy AWS CodeBuild artifacts with AWS CodeDeploy, creating a functioning CI/CD pipeline. When properly implemented, the CI/CD pipeline is triggered by code changes pushed to your GitHub repo, automatically fed into CodeBuild, then the output is deployed on CodeDeploy. Solution overview […]

Using AWS Step Functions State Machines to Handle Workflow-Driven AWS CodePipeline Actions

AWS CodePipeline is a continuous integration and continuous delivery service for fast and reliable application and infrastructure updates. It offers powerful integration with other AWS services, such as AWS CodeBuild, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS CodeCommit, AWS CloudFormation and with third-party tools such as Jenkins and GitHub. These services make it possible for AWS customers to successfully automate various tasks, including infrastructure provisioning, blue/green deployments, serverless deployments, AMI baking, database provisioning, […]