AWS for Games Blog

Tag: kubernetes

Spectrum Labs’ AI does the heavy lifting of content moderation on gaming platforms

Spectrum Labs AI does the heavy lifting of content moderation on gaming platforms

Who likes having their payment processor drop them with no notice? Or having their app removed from the App Store? Exactly. Nobody likes that. That’s why Spectrum Labs’ content moderation AI is used by developers like Riot Games and Wildlife Studios to guard against toxic and illegal behavior. Spectrum Labs helps scale content moderation teams’ […]

Epic Games transforms gaming—and other industries—by innovating on AWS

Epic Games transforms gaming—and other industries—by innovating on AWS

Epic Games (Epic) went all in on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in 2018 to deliver the storage, analytics, and scaling capabilities critical to its business, which had exploded with the release of Fortnite—an online game that’s seen over 15.3 million concurrent players during live events. Fortnite runs almost entirely on AWS, including its worldwide game-server […]

How NaturalMotion Migrated Dawn of Titans to Amazon EKS

Running games as services can have some serious perks. Players get to enjoy their favourite games for longer, and developers can see ongoing success from a single game for years. But games with longer lifespans can also generate heavy overheads for development teams. Game studios are expected to deliver new experiences to players in increasingly […]

Visual representation of the architecture described in this blog post.

Introducing the Amazon GameLift FleetIQ adapter for Agones

Authored by Jeremy Cowan, Principal Specialist SA, Containers, Trevor Roberts, Senior Solutions Architect Launching a new game title carries a certain amount of risk, requires a fair amount of investment, and might require a lot of compute power. Though exciting as it may be, you don’t always know whether the game will be a runaway […]