AWS Machine Learning Blog

Securing Amazon SageMaker Studio connectivity using a private VPC

Amazon SageMaker Studio is the first fully integrated development environment (IDE) for machine learning (ML). With a single click, data scientists and developers can quickly spin up Amazon SageMaker Studio Notebooks for exploring datasets and building models. With the new ability to launch Amazon SageMaker Studio in your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), you […]

Using Amazon SageMaker inference pipelines with multi-model endpoints

Businesses are increasingly deploying multiple machine learning (ML) models to serve precise and accurate predictions to their consumers. Consider a media company that wants to provide recommendations to its subscribers. The company may want to employ different custom models for recommending different categories of products—such as movies, books, music, and articles. If the company wants […]

Time series forecasting using unstructured data with Amazon Forecast and the Amazon SageMaker Neural Topic Model

As the volume of unstructured data such as text and voice continues to grow, businesses are increasingly looking for ways to incorporate this data into their time series predictive modeling workflows. One example use case is transcribing calls from call centers to forecast call handle times and improve call volume forecasting. In the retail or […]

Performing batch fraud predictions using Amazon Fraud Detector, Amazon S3, and AWS Lambda

Amazon Fraud Detector is a fully managed service that makes it easy to identify potentially fraudulent online activities, such as the creation of fake accounts or online payment fraud. Unlike general-purpose machine learning (ML) packages, Amazon Fraud Detector is designed specifically to detect fraud. Amazon Fraud Detector combines your data, the latest in ML science, […]

Automatically detecting personal protective equipment on persons in images using Amazon Rekognition

Workplace safety hazards can exist in many different forms: sharp edges, falling objects, flying sparks, chemicals, noise, and a myriad of other potentially dangerous situations. Safety regulators such as Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and European Commission often require that businesses protect their employees and customers from hazards that can cause injury by providing […]

Detecting playful animal behavior in videos using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels

Historically, humans have observed animal behaviors and applied them for different purposes. For example, behavioral observation is important in animal ecology, such as how often the behaviors are, when the behaviors occur, or whether there is individual difference or not. However, identifying and monitoring these behaviors and movements can be hard and can take a […]

Processing auto insurance claims at scale using Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels and Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth

Computer vision uses machine learning (ML) to build applications that process images or videos. With Amazon Rekognition, you can use pre-trained computer vision models to identify objects, people, text, activities, or inappropriate content. Our customers have use cases that span every industry, including media, finance, manufacturing, sports, and technology. Some of these use cases require […]

Optimizing applications with EagleDream in Amazon CodeGuru Profiler

This is a guest post by Dustin Potter at EagleDream Technologies. In their own words, “EagleDream Technologies educates, enables, and empowers the world’s greatest companies to use cloud-native technology to transform their business. With extensive experience architecting workloads on the cloud, as well as a full suite of skills in application modernization, data engineering, data […]

Amazon Translate ranked as #1 machine translation provider by Intento

Customer obsession, one of the key Amazon Leadership principles that guides everything we do at Amazon, has helped Amazon Translate be recognized as an industry leading neural machine translation provider. This year, Intento ranked Amazon Translate #1 on the list of top-performing machine translation providers in its The State of Machine Translation 2020 report. We are […]

Building a medical image search platform on AWS

Improving radiologist efficiency and preventing burnout is a primary goal for healthcare providers. A nationwide study published in Mayo Clinic Proceedings in 2015 showed radiologist burnout percentage at a concerning 61% [1]. In additon, the report concludes that “burnout and satisfaction with work-life balance in US physicians worsened from 2011 to 2014. More than half […]