AWS Machine Learning Blog

Reduce ML inference costs on Amazon SageMaker with hardware and software acceleration

Amazon SageMaker is a fully-managed service that enables data scientists and developers to build, train, and deploy machine learning (ML) models at 50% lower TCO than self-managed deployments on Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2). Elastic Inference is a capability of SageMaker that delivers 20% better performance for model inference than AWS Deep Learning Containers on […]

Automate feature engineering pipelines with Amazon SageMaker

The process of extracting, cleaning, manipulating, and encoding data from raw sources and preparing it to be consumed by machine learning (ML) algorithms is an important, expensive, and time-consuming part of data science. Managing these data pipelines for either training or inference is a challenge for data science teams, however, and can take valuable time […]

Learn how the winner of the AWS DeepComposer Chartbusters Keep Calm and Model On challenge used Transformer algorithms to create music

AWS is excited to announce the winner of the AWS DeepComposer Chartbusters Keep Calm and Model On challenge, Nari Koizumi. AWS DeepComposer gives developers a creative way to get started with machine learning (ML) by creating an original piece of music in collaboration with artificial intelligence (AI). In June 2020, we launched Chartbusters, a global […]

Speed up YOLOv4 inference to twice as fast on Amazon SageMaker

Machine learning (ML) models have been deployed successfully across a variety of use cases and industries, but due to the high computational complexity of recent ML models such as deep neural networks, inference deployments have been limited by performance and cost constraints. To add to the challenge, preparing a model for inference involves packaging the […]

Amazon Lookout for Vision Accelerator Proof of Concept (PoC) Kit

Amazon Lookout for Vision is a machine learning service that spots defects and anomalies in visual representations using computer vision. With Amazon Lookout for Vision, manufacturing companies can increase quality and reduce operational costs by quickly identifying differences in images of objects at scale. Basler and Amazon Lookout for Vision have collaborated to launch the “Amazon […]

Prepare data for predicting credit risk using Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler and Amazon SageMaker Clarify

For data scientists and machine learning (ML) developers, data preparation is one of the most challenging and time-consuming tasks of building ML solutions. In an often iterative and highly manual process, data must be sourced, analyzed, cleaned, and enriched before it can be used to train an ML model. Typical tasks associated with data preparation […]

Maximize TensorFlow performance on Amazon SageMaker endpoints for real-time inference

Machine learning (ML) is realized in inference. The business problem you want your ML model to solve is the inferences or predictions that you want your model to generate. Deployment is the stage in which a model, after being trained, is ready to accept inference requests. In this post, we describe the parameters that you […]

Build BI dashboards for your Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth labels and worker metadata

This is the second in a two-part series on the Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth hierarchical labeling workflow and dashboards. In Part 1: Automate multi-modality, parallel data labeling workflows with Amazon SageMaker Ground Truth and AWS Step Functions, we looked at how to create multi-step labeling workflows for hierarchical label taxonomies using AWS Step Functions. In […]

Build a scalable machine learning pipeline for ultra-high resolution medical images using Amazon SageMaker

Neural networks have proven effective at solving complex computer vision tasks such as object detection, image similarity, and classification. With the evolution of low-cost GPUs, the computational cost of building and deploying a neural network has drastically reduced. However, most techniques are designed to handle pixel resolutions commonly found in visual media. For example, typical […]

Build a cognitive search and a health knowledge graph using AWS AI services

Medical data is highly contextual and heavily multi-modal, in which each data silo is treated separately. To bridge different data, a knowledge graph-based approach integrates data across domains and helps represent the complex representation of scientific knowledge more naturally. For example, three components of major electronic health records (EHR) are diagnosis codes, primary notes, and […]