AWS for M&E Blog

Tag: Amazon Cognito How-To

How to screencast apps using Amazon Kinesis Video Streams with WebRTC on Android

Over the past year, the requirements for remote communication have increased rapidly. Historically, over-the-top (OTT) content delivery was focused on reliably delivering high-quality content. There was less concern about latency, so technology was not focused on transmitting media with minimum delay time. With WebRTC technology that supports media transmission with latency of less than 1 […]

Workflow diagram of demonstration described in this blog

Enabling video chats using Amazon Kinesis Video Streams for WebRTC

Many web and mobile applications these days need to embed a video chat frame alongside other content. In the fast-growing telehealth industry, for example, a doctor using a web browser often engages in a video consultation with a patient while viewing the patient’s electronic medical record within the same browser page. Amazon Kinesis Video Streams […]

Creating a secure video-on-demand (VOD) platform using AWS

Video has become the primary means of Information sharing and learning. Customers are investing in innovative solutions to tap into the e-learning and video space. Video content is their IP and needs to be protected and securely delivered. Online video is a powerful technology that every industry, from businesses to educational institutions to government agencies, is […]

Overview of the UGC upload process you will build in this tutorial

2020 Resolution: Add user-generated content to your applications

Many AWS customers have started to allow user-generated content (UGC) within their applications to enhance users’ ability to connect with each other and express themselves individually. This video content usually takes the form of short “stories” (less than one minute) told in a personal way, and showcasing things like products, clothing, or real estate. Allowing […]