AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

Update your Amazon CloudWatch dashboards automatically using Amazon EventBridge and AWS Lambda

Amazon CloudWatch lets customers collect monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and alarms. This allows for easy visualization and notifications regarding their workload health. Amazon CloudWatch dashboards are customizable home pages in the CloudWatch console that you can use to monitor your resources in a single view, even those resources that […]

Monitoring AWS Lambda errors using Amazon CloudWatch

When we troubleshoot failed invocations from our Lambda functions, we often must identify the invocations that failed (from among all of the invocations), identify the root cause, and reduce mean time to resolution (MTTR). In this post, we will demonstrate how to utilize Amazon CloudWatch to identify failed AWS Lambda invocations. Likewise, we will show how […]

Visualize application costs using AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry and Amazon QuickSight

In a previous blog post, we discussed how AWS Service Catalog AppRegistry lets you create a repository of your applications and associated resources. Then, you can define and manage your application metadata. This lets you understand the context of your applications and resources across your environments. This post will demonstrate how to utilize your application […]

Control developer account costs with AWS CloudFormation and AWS Budgets

Often when working with customers, we guide them by using AWS Budgets and related tools in the AWS platform in order to create cost and utilization guardrails. These tools can be used to conduct advanced, automated, and hands-free actions within your AWS environment – even across multiple accounts. This post will walk you through a […]

Automating account provisioning with CloudCheckr integration for Cloud Financial Management

AWS Organizations helps you centrally manage and govern your environment as you grow and scale your AWS resources. AWS Organizations lets you programmatically create new AWS accounts to allocate resources, group accounts to organize your workflows, apply policies to accounts or groups for governance, and simplify billing by utilizing a single payment method for every […]

How to integrate Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus with Slack

Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is a serverless Prometheus-compatible monitoring service for metrics to securely monitor container environments at scale. Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus lets you utilize open source Prometheus query language (PromQL) to monitor containerized workload performance without having to manage the underlying infrastructure required for the ingestion, storage, alerting, and querying of […]

Using AWS X-Ray and AWS Application Cost Profiler to track tenant cost of shared AWS Infrastructure

In our last blog post, we introduced AWS Application Cost Profiler (ACP), where we discussed this new service that allows customers, running multi-tenant applications, to receive granular cost breakdowns of shared AWS resources across their tenants. AWS Application Cost Profiler provides customers, especially SaaS ISVs, with a standard mechanism to correlate and report their infrastructure […]

Managing the account lifecycle in account-per-tenant SaaS environments on AWS

Managing the account lifecycle in account-per-tenant SaaS environments on AWS

Software as a service (SaaS) companies have many options when they implement multi-tenancy in their applications. The AWS SaaS Factory Program provides recommendations for different deployment patterns depending on factors such as cost, compliance, and end-customer requirements. You might find that silo methods like VPC-per-tenant are not sufficient. Your application might be in a highly […]

Improve your application availability with AWS observability solutions

Distributed systems are complex due to their high number of interconnected components and susceptibility to failures caused by constant updates. Legacy monolithic applications can be distributed across instances and geographic locations or microservices. These rely on thousands of resources to operate and can be updated frequently, scaled elastically, or invoked on demand. In turn, these […]

Implementing a cross-account and cross-Region AWS Config status dashboard

AWS Config helps central IT administrators monitor the compliance of multiple AWS accounts and multiple regions in large enterprises. AWS Config utilizes a configuration recorder to detect changes in your resource configurations and capture these as configuration items. A separate configuration recorder exists for every region in each AWS account. However, AWS Config recorders can […]