AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Customer Solutions

Approach to migrate Spring Cloud microservices applications to Amazon EKS

In this blog, we will look into how enterprises can approach migrating on-prem Spring Cloud microservices to Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). With managed service offerings from AWS, developers can eliminate the need to run and manage cross-cutting services like Service Registry, Config Server and API Gateway. By using AWS services, developers can focus on […]

Centralizing configuration management using AWS Systems Manager

In this guest post, Kaitlyn Fedorak (Engineer) and contributors, Cody Olsen (Senior Engineer), Will Scott (Engineer), Samuel Raghunandan (Engineer), from Xero discuss their use of AWS Systems Manager Inventory and State Manager for configuration management of Amazon EC2 instances. Any team or company can leverage a similar design described in this post to save on […]

Automate updating approval cut off dates for Patch Manager Patch Baselines

Automate updating approval cut off dates for Patch Manager Patch Baselines

AWS Systems Manager Patch Manager helps AWS customers manage and automate the process of patching their Linux and Windows managed nodes in AWS and hybrid environments. It provides various options and allows greater control over which patches are approved or rejected during installation using patch baselines. One parameter of patch baseline approval rules is the Auto […]

Managing CloudWatch Synthetics canaries at scale

Managing CloudWatch Synthetics canaries at scale

Amazon CloudWatch Synthetics offers an automated approach to monitoring the performance and availability of your application endpoints, REST APIs, and website content, allowing you to discover issues before your customers do. As your applications and suite of accompanying canaries grows over time, it becomes more challenging and time consuming to manage them at scale. This […]

A sneak peek at the Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC) sessions for re:Inforce 2023

A full conference pass is $1,099. Register today with the code secure150off to receive a limited time $150 discount, while supplies last. AWS re:Inforce is just around the corner and this post covers sessions on cloud governance, risk management, and compliance that you should add to your agenda. AWS re:Inforce is a security learning conference […]

Building CIS hardened Golden Images and Pipelines with EC2 Image Builder

Until recently, customers had to navigate to the AWS Marketplace Console and search for a compatible Amazon Machine Image (AMI) product for your image pipeline. They also had to write their own custom components to harden the operating systems to meet Center for Internet Security (CIS) Benchmark guidelines. This required subscriptions to the CIS Benchmark […]

AWS Application Migration Service best practices

Introduction Large-scale cloud migrations present challenges such as multiple tasks, scaling complexities, manual processes, numerous tools, and stakeholders involvement that could be difficult to integrate at times. AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) is designed to overcome these challenges for large and complex migrations that require re-hosting (also referred to as “lift and shift” migration). […]

Report and visualize your AWS Service Catalog estate

AWS Service Catalog allows organizations to create and manage catalog of IT services that are approved for use on AWS. These IT services can include everything from virtual machine images, servers, software, and databases to complete multi-tier application architectures. In addition, organizations can centrally manage deployed IT services, applications, resources, and metadata. This helps you […]

Automating Amazon CloudWatch Alarm Cleanup at Scale

Automating Amazon CloudWatch Alarm Cleanup at Scale

Do you have thousands of Amazon CloudWatch alarms across AWS Regions and want to quickly identify which ones are low-value alarms or misconfigured alarms across regions? Are you looking for ways to identify alarms which are in ‘ALARM’ or ‘IN_SUFFICIENT’ state for several days and need to be revisited? Do you need a cleanup mechanism […]