AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Tag: Amazon CloudWatch Alarm

Use tags to create and maintain Amazon CloudWatch alarms for Amazon EC2 instances (Part 2)

This blog post is the second in a two-part series. Part one of this blog post showed how to deploy and configure the CloudWatchAutoAlarms Lambda function to create a default alarm set and custom alarms for your Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances using EC2 instance tags. In this post, I show how you […]

cisco csr vpn

Monitoring Cisco CSR 1000v VPN tunnel and BGP status using Amazon CloudWatch

Many organizations get access to their AWS resources using a Direct Connect connection or a Site-to-Site VPN. AWS Site-to-Site VPN creates a secure connection between your data center or branch office and your AWS cloud resources.  In this post, we will see how to monitor your Cisco CSR VPN tunnel and BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) […]

CloudWatch Alarm with SNS and Lambda trigger

Alarms, incident management, and remediation in the cloud with Amazon CloudWatch

Application workloads being built for the cloud are getting easier to deploy with tools like Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) and Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate), infrastructure as code (IaC), and full-scale DevSecOps pipelines. But there’s more to migrating workloads than ease of development and deployment: application workloads still need […]

Improve monitoring efficiency using Amazon CloudWatch Composite Alarms

OVERVIEW Amazon CloudWatch alarms help customers improve infrastructure monitoring efficiency by reducing the time to detect, triage, and diagnose issues that impact workload performance. CloudWatch alarms can be used extensively as a means to alert customers when application and infrastructure metrics exceed static or dynamically set thresholds. On March 4, 2020 AWS released CloudWatch composite alarms to extend existing […]

How to set up CloudWatch Anomaly Detection to set dynamic alarms, automate actions, and drive online sales

In this post, I introduce you to Anomaly Detection in Amazon CloudWatch. I provide a step-by-step tutorial on how to create Anomaly Detection alarms that are dynamic, so you can automate actions such as placing items on sale if retail orders drop below an expected baseline. Why Anomaly Detection in Amazon CloudWatch? Amazon CloudWatch is […]

Using Amazon CloudWatch metric filters and alarms to monitor logs on SonicWall Firewall

In this guest post, Marcin Gornik – Director of IT at Tommy John Inc discusses how they used CloudWatch Metric Filters to monitor their SonicWall Firewall system to better secure their infrastructure. TommyJohn, a clothing design and manufacturer company, uses Amazon CloudWatch to monitor their SonicWall firewall devices. This blog discusses why CloudWatch was selected […]

Create a metric math alarm using Amazon CloudWatch

In 2018 we launched metric math, which enables you to perform calculations across multiple metrics for real-time analysis. You can visualise these computed metrics through the Amazon CloudWatch console, add them to CloudWatch Dashboards, or retrieve through the newly launched GetMetricData API. You can use metric math to derive insights from your existing CloudWatch metrics and […]

Learn how to leverage Amazon CloudWatch alarms to create an incident in ServiceNow

This was blog was authored by Itai Njanji and third party collaborators: A special thanks to Grant Hulbert  a Sr. Technology Alliance Architect for ServiceNow, who co-authored this blog Ben Yukich a Field CTO for ITOM at ServiceNow, who wrote the ServiceNow source code for this integration (Note: This post was updated September 22, 2020) Introduction Customers want […]

Monitoring Service Limits with Trusted Advisor and Amazon CloudWatch

Understanding your service limits (and how close you are to them) is an important part of managing your AWS deployments – continuous monitoring allows you to request limit increases or shut down resources before the limit is reached. One of the easiest ways to do this is via AWS Trusted Advisor’s Service Limit Dashboard, which […]

Use AWS CloudFormation Stack Termination Protection and Rollback Triggers to Maintain Infrastructure Availability

Managing your infrastructure as code using AWS CloudFormation provides a consistent way to rapidly deliver AWS environments for your applications. As your pace of delivery increases, it’s important to ensure you have the appropriate guardrails to protect your most critical infrastructure resources. AWS CloudFormation now includes two additional tools to help you ensure the consistent […]