Networking & Content Delivery

How to integrate Linux instances with AWS Gateway Load Balancer

When I meet with customers and discuss AWS Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB), I often get asked for suggestions regarding integrating it with their existing Linux appliances. GWLB utilizes GENEVE encapsulation with some important custom metadata, which doesn’t natively work with either Linux or Linux’s GENEVE module (which is designed only for Ethernet (Layer 2) packets, […]

Introducing AWS Site-to-Site VPN Private IP VPNs

Update 10/13/22: Added walkthrough with the AWS Management console and link to code in CDK and Terraform. One of the most common ways that customers connect securely to AWS from on premises is by using the AWS Site-to-Site VPN managed IPSec VPN solution. One key benefit our customers look for when using the service is […]

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Securely Connect your Mobile Device to your AWS environment with AWS Client VPN

AWS Client VPN is a fully-managed, client-based Virtual Private Network (VPN) service used by your remote workforce to securely access resources within AWS and your on-premises network. It’s an elastic service that automatically scales up or down based on demand. In addition to the free, AWS-provided VPN client, you can also use a common Open […]

Dual-stack IPv6 architectures for AWS and hybrid networks – Part 2

In part one of our series on IPv6 for AWS and hybrid network architectures, we explored some of the most common dual stack designs: dual stack Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, Internet connectivity, Internet-facing Network Load Balancer and Application Load Balancer deployments, as well as VPC […]

Introducing IPv6-only subnets and EC2 instances

In June 2021, we announced our continued commitment and innovation towards the enablement of IPv6 on AWS. Today, we take a monumental step forward with the ability to create an IPv6-only architecture on AWS. With this launch, Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) now allows you to create IPv6-only subnets in your dual-stack VPCs and launch […]

Expedite your IPv6 adoption with PrivateLink services and endpoints

AWS now supports IPv6 for AWS PrivateLink services and endpoints. PrivateLink support for IPv6 expedites IPv6 adoption by decoupling the service consumer and service provider IP protocol version. Even if a service provider has not started to support IPv6 for all their back-end services, service consumers can use IPv6 within their VPCs to access the […]

Introducing IP-based routing for Amazon Route 53

Amazon Route 53 is a highly available and scalable cloud Domain Name System (DNS) web service. Route 53 provides you with the ability to manage traffic to your public domains globally through a variety of routing types, including latency-based routing, geolocation, geoproximity, and weighted routing – all of which can be combined with DNS failover […]

Limit access to your origins using the AWS-managed prefix list for Amazon CloudFront

Amazon CloudFront provides an easy and cost-effective way to distribute content with low latency and high data transfer speeds using a worldwide network of edge locations. To enable requests from CloudFront to access your origins (the source of your content, for example, Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instances, the security policies on your origin […]

Understand AWS Data transfer details in depth from cost and usage report using Athena query and QuickSight

Keeping applications up and running continuously requires architecting your application to prevent downtime, as well as the ability to recover from failure as quickly as possible with minimum data loss to achieve RTO-Recovery Time Objective and RPO– Recovery Point Objective. AWS helps you achieve high availability for cloud workloads across multiple dimensions, such as compute, databases, […]