AWS Open Source Blog

Category: Management Tools

Building a Prometheus remote write exporter for the OpenTelemetry Go SDK

Update: Please note that the exporter detailed in this blog post has been retired. See the AWS Distro for OpenTelemetry (ADOT) blog post on migrating to the new setup for further details. In this post, two AWS interns—Eric Lee and Connor Lindsey—describe their experience building a Prometheus remote write exporter for the popular open source […]

Multi-environment CI/CD pipelines with AWS CodePipeline and open source tools

A common scenario AWS customers face is how to automate their infrastructure deployments on AWS. Customers must create a secure, agile workflow that deploys to the cloud and uses their preferred AWS services. Customers also need a reliable, supportable deployment pattern driven by automated workflows that are not overly complex and difficult to manage. Customer […]

How to build a scalable BigBlueButton video conference solution on AWS

BigBlueButton is an open source video conference system that supports various audio and video formats and allows the use of integrated video-, screen- and document-sharing functions. BigBlueButton has features for multi-user whiteboards, breakout rooms, public and private chats, polling, moderation, emojis, and raise-hands. In this post, we will explain how AWS customers who are looking […]

Building resilient services at Prime Video with chaos engineering

Large-scale distributed software systems are composed of several individual sub-systems—such as CDNs, load balancers, and databases—and their interactions. These interactions sometimes have unpredictable outcomes caused by unforeseen turbulent events (for example, a network failure). These events can lead to system-wide failures. Chaos engineering is the discipline of experimenting on a distributed system to build confidence […]

Cost tracking for OpenShift on AWS

AWS provides a collection of tools and services to give customers the ability to manage the resources within their AWS accounts. In this article I will briefly explore some of these tools and services, as well as an open source project that can be used to integrate AWS cost-management services and features directly into Red […]

Deploy AWS CloudFormation stacks with GitHub Actions

At GitHub Universe 2019, we announced that we open sourced four new GitHub Actions for Amazon ECS and ECR. Fast forward to 2020 we are expanding the number of available actions by releasing AWS CloudFormation Action for GitHub Actions. This GitHub Action enables developers and cloud engineers to maintain their infrastructure as code in a […]

Amazon Chime SDK: Deploying live events solution screenshot

How to deploy a live events solution built with the Amazon Chime SDK

In this tutorial, I will explain how to deploy an interactive live events solution with which speakers can present to a large pre-selected audience, and moderators can screen attendees to participate in the broadcast. This interactive live events solution, built with the Amazon Chime SDK, addresses many of the shortcomings of traditional online meeting platforms […]

Realize policy as code with AWS Cloud Development Kit through Open Policy Agent

AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open source software framework that allows users to define and provision AWS infrastructure using familiar programming languages. Using CDK, you can version control infrastructure, and the Infrastructure-as-Code concept opens up new opportunities to manage AWS infrastructure more efficiently and reliably. But when planning to deploy new AWS […]

Monitor AWS services used by Kubernetes with Prometheus and PromCat

AWS offers Amazon CloudWatch to provide observability of the operational health for your AWS resources and applications through logs, metrics, and events. CloudWatch is a great way to monitor and visualize AWS resources metrics and logs. Recently I’ve found that some customers are adopting Prometheus as their monitoring standard because it offers the ability to […]