AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: Best Practices

Unifying data to boost nonprofit fundraising outcomes

Data is currency, and today’s nonprofits have more data at their fingertips than ever before. From fundraising insights to beneficiary intelligence, to personalized communications, your nonprofit’s data can better support the activities that drive funding and resources toward your mission. AWS can help your nonprofit unify, interpret, and understand your data—regardless of your cloud experience. Learn about three key strategies that nonprofits use today that can turn valuable data into increased dollars toward your mission and decreased administrative burden for staff.

Virtualizing satellite communication operations with AWS

Virtualizing the satellite ground station with cloud technology can increase scalability, flexibility, and operational agility for satellite communications (satcom) operations. This blog post describes how AWS can help satcom customers virtualize their ground stations that are directly connected to satellite antenna systems. This post details the benefits of decoupling satellite ground station hardware and software components to improve scalability and flexibility. This post also presents a reference architecture to virtualize the satcom ground segment after the satellite signal is digitized at both ends of communication.

How data-driven technology helps law enforcement agencies improve constituent outcomes  

With the development of 5G and an ever-growing number of cloud-connected devices, data is becoming available at an unprecedented rate. Law enforcement agencies can use this hyper-connected environment to bridge previously isolated data siloes and make better-informed decisions to improve emergency response and citizen services. To discuss how law enforcement agencies are using new technology to improve constituent outcomes, AWS recently hosted a webinar featuring a panel of experts. Read on for key takeaways from the webinar and watch on-demand.

How human-centered design can help public agencies design better digital services

A common driver of public sector transformation is the potential for efficiency. This is certainly one of the benefits of digitalization. However, I want to share a story that shows why we need to balance this focus on efficiency with an understanding of how people will use our services to achieve the best results for our efforts. I walk through how agencies can approach human-centered design to create better and more effective citizen services.

Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab helps educators focus on teaching rather than technology

The browser-based computational notebook tool, Jupyter, provides students and educators with an interactive learning environment to accelerate programming learning. But setting up collaborative Jupyter notebooks at the classroom and institutional level can be time-consuming and costly. Amazon SageMaker Studio Lab is a no-cost service built on Jupyter notebooks that takes care of the configuration and security of setting up multi-user Jupyter notebook environments – so educators can focus on teaching and learners can accelerate their journey in ML.

Four ways to buy cloud with federal year-end funds

The end of the US federal government fiscal year is fast approaching. With budget left to spend before September 30, agencies need to obligate their remaining 2022 fiscal year funds. AWS can provide federal agencies with options to procure future cloud computing resources using current-year funds. Learn more about efficient purchasing recommendations to meet your agency’s needs.

How colleges and universities can benefit from a cloud data strategy

Higher education faces a complex set of challenges as it emerges from the pandemic years. Leaders find they must think differently about supporting students through their educational journeys, personalizing the learning experience, offering more flexibility in learning modality, and better supporting students, including attending to mental health. At the core of this transformation is data. Learn more about the higher education journey to effectively utilizing data, then learn how to build a cloud data strategy in the eBook The Data-Informed Institution.

Running government workloads securely at the edge

Edge computing moves data processing and analysis close to endpoints where data is generated to deliver real-time responsiveness, and reduces cost associated with transferring large amounts of data. Edge environments include Internet of Things (IoT) or mobile devices, sensors, video cameras, and other connected resources. With edge, the usual security principles still apply such as protecting data at rest and in motion, but new considerations emerge. Learn more in the new IDC whitepaper.

Creating access control mechanisms for highly distributed datasets

Security is priority number one at AWS. Data stored in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) is private by default. However, some datasets are made to be shared. In this blog post, we cover the no-cost mechanisms data providers can utilize to create access control policies for their highly distributed open datasets.

Architecture framework for transforming federal customer experience and service delivery

Customer experience (CX) has emerged as a key priority in the US following the 2021 Biden Administration Executive Order (EO) to transform federal customer experience and service delivery. Application modernization enables agencies to simplify business processes and provide customers with flexible, interactive, and simple to use applications, resulting in improved CX. In this blog post, we present an AWS architecture framework that agencies can use to develop and deploy a modern application that helps improve CX.