AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: EdTech

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EdTech startups are making education more affordable and accessible to students at scale

AWS EdStart Members and founders—Tan Han Sing, founder of Tueetor, and Sanjay Srivastava, founder of Vocareum—are making educational resources more accessible to students at scale. Han Sing is focused on affordably connecting learners from all backgrounds with trainers, while Sanjay is focused on closing the global digital skills gap by providing turnkey virtual labs for higher education, tech training, demo, and assessment.

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AI-powered speech recognition is creating interactive learning experiences for children and adults

AWS EdStart Members and founders Long Qin of Singsound and Elnaz Sarraf of ROYBI are using artificial intelligence (AI) to revolutionize early language learning. Long, based out of Beijing, China, is dedicated to providing accessible and quality English education to every family throughout China. Elnaz, based out of San Francisco, CA, United States, is dedicated to changing the one-size-fits-all approach of our global education system.

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Two EdTech founders changing parental involvement and health in the classroom

Amazon Web Services (AWS) EdStart Members and founders—Jennifer Larson of SchoolBzz and Reva McPollom of Lessonbee—are changing the way that parents, teachers, and students interact with schools and in the classroom. With SchoolBzz, the focus is on easing the parent-teacher load and changing the standard school communication model. With Reva, the focus is on modernizing how we approach “health” class and what it means to be healthy in the twenty-first century. For the first installment of the AWS EdStart Global Founders Series, read on to learn about how two EdTech founders are developing the next generation of education solutions in the AWS Cloud.

Max Peterson keynote address at AWS Public Sector Summit Online

An IT infrastructure to meet our new reality: What you missed at the AWS Public Sector Summit Online 2020

At the AWS Public Sector Summit Online, Max Peterson, vice president of international sales for the public sector, spoke about our new reality responding to a global pandemic—and how customers who have taken steps to transform digitally are already benefiting from their progress. Through the lens of customers’ and partners’ experience, Max shared lessons learned and how to apply these lessons to your cloud journey. Those four key lessons? Move fast, have an agile platform, keep innovating, and think big. Read on for more.

Hot AWS EdStart Startups: Virtually supporting marginalized learners using EdTech solutions

Quality, inclusive, and relevant education for all helps break the cycle of poverty and reduce inequalities worldwide. As education continues to shift to an online format, the potential for marginalized learners to fall behind is increasing due to the limited number of resources and tools available to help these students succeed. These four AWS EdStart companies from the United States, Brazil, China, and Europe are dedicated to equipping diverse students with tools that can aid them in their educational journey, no matter where they are learning.

Dystech creates first dyslexia and motor dysgraphia screening app

In June, Australian startup and AWS EdStart Member Dystech, launched the world’s first screening app for dyslexia and motor dysgraphia. Dyslexia and dysgraphia impact between 10-20 percent of individuals worldwide. With this release, Dystech has the opportunity to change lives and accelerate testing for millions of individuals around globe. Dystech uses artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to create an app that transforms how education and healthcare organizations screen for this disorder.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

EdTech D2L shares lessons from an all-in migration to AWS

Moving all-in to the cloud is a big achievement for technology teams. For some customers, the migration is fast, and for others with behemoth systems and complex applications is staggered over years. D2L, a learning technology company, based in Canada took just over three years to shut down its last colocation facility in late 2019. This completed their all-in migration to the AWS Cloud. D2L leaders celebrated their success migration by sharing advice for other companies considering the move to the cloud.


Virtual exchange is transforming the global classroom

Each year, millions of students travel abroad to study and enrich their personal development and global perspective through international student exchange programs. Virtual exchange is becoming an important part of digital learning environments due to its student-centered, cost-effective, and equitable means of advancing international education. One example is
ImmerseU, a virtual exchange learning platform developed by Class2Class, an AWS EdStart Member.


AWS Summit Online EMEA: What you missed for the public sector

On June 17, Amazon Web Services (AWS) held its AWS Summit Online for Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). Check out content from the “I’m in the Public Sector” track, for government, education, nonprofit, and healthcare organizations—now available on demand.

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Enhancing K12 learning through robotics: AWS EdStart Hot Startups

Robotics and machine learning (ML) aren’t just for the technology industry. Robotics are being used in education to advance student learning through one-to-one support, adaptive learning algorithms, and immediate feedback mechanisms within K12 schools. Robots can use ML algorithms to adapt to student learning styles, teaching children to code through interactive, fun games and supporting core curriculum in classrooms with high student to teacher ratios. These four Amazon Web Services (AWS) EdStart Members are using robotics to revolutionize K12 education.