AWS Messaging & Targeting Blog

Category: Amazon Simple Email Service (SES)

Email Journaling with SES Mail Manager

Introduction to Journaling Email journaling is the practice of preserving comprehensive records of all email communications within an organization. This approach stems from the need to maintain rigid, compliance-driven retention policies focused on auditing an entire organization’s email activities. Because journaled email messages are often required to satisfy on-demand audit and investigation requests, they must […]

Understanding Google Postmaster Tools (spam complaints) for Amazon SES email senders

Introduction Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) includes a robust set of built-in tools, such as the Virtual Deliverability Manager (VDM), to help senders ensure optimal email deliverability. Additionally, deliverability data from email service providers like Postmaster Tools by Google can provide invaluable insights for all sending domain owners, including those using SES for bulk or […]

Archiving and sending to final SMTP server

In today’s digital landscape, where email communication plays a vital role in business operations, keeping your email archive secure, compliant, and retrievable is crucial for any business. However, managing the large volume of email data can lead to operational difficulties, including regulatory compliance, maintaining an audit trail, and preventing data loss. That’s where Amazon Simple […]

How to use SES Mail Manager SMTP Relay action to deliver inbound email to Google Workspace and Microsoft 365

Introduction Customers often ask us if the Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) inbound capabilities they use with applications hosted on AWS infrastructure can also be used to process and automate employee email hosted on public services like Google Workspace and Microsoft 365. The answer has typically been “yes, but with some limitations”, as until now, […]

Email Archiving with Mail Manager: Why To Archive In Transit vs At The Mailbox

When designing Amazon Simple Email Service’s (SES) Mail Manager, we often heard from customers about the “PST-file problem” inherent with user-side mailbox-based archiving. This occurs when, for a variety of reasons, end users decide to archive their emails to local PST files or other local storage. These PST files are fragile and easily corrupted. Furthermore, […]

How Amazon SES Mail Manager Elevates Email Security and Efficiency

In today’s digital landscape, efficient and secure email management is essential for businesses facing the complexities of cyber threats and regulatory compliance. Companies are seeking ways to safeguard against unauthorized access and apply audit rules, while maintaining operational efficiency. Amazon SES Mail Manager is designed to meet these challenges, offering a suite of features that […]

Optimizing Email Deliverability: A User-Centric Approach to List Management and Monitoring

This is a 2024 update of the 2015 blog post “Amazon SES Best Practices: Top 5 Best Practices for List Management“. While the fundamental principles of effective email list management remain relevant, the landscape has evolved significantly over the past nine years. This updated post aims to provide Amazon Simple Email Services (SES) customers with […]

SES MailManager high level architecture

Mail Manager – Amazon SES introduces new email routing and archiving features

Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) is a cloud-based email sending service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS), handling both inbound and outbound email traffic for your applications. It allows users to send and receive email using SES’s reliable and cost-effective infrastructure without having to provision email servers yourself. Managing multiple email workloads at scale can […]

The Four Pillars of Managing Email Reputation

Introduction A sender’s domain and IP reputation strongly indicate email deliverability success. Maintaining a high reputation ensures optimal recipient inboxing. This blog outlines how Amazon SES protects its network reputation to help customers deliver high-quality email consistently. Understanding sender reputation nuances across diverse mailbox providers can be challenging, making issue identification and root cause analysis […]

Serverless IoT email capture, attachment processing, and distribution

Many customers need to automate email notifications to a broad and diverse set of email recipients, sometimes from a sensor network with a variety of monitoring capabilities. Many sensor monitoring software products include an SMTP client to achieve this goal. However, managing email server infrastructure requires specialty expertise and operating an email server comes with […]