AWS Startups Blog

Category: Analytics

Yewno Uses AWS and ML to Analyze Vast Amounts of Data

The mass digitization of information has made finding the right thing online difficult to say the least. This is precisely the problem Yewno was founded to solve. Leveraging sophisticated AI, built with AWS, the startup analyzes millions of information sources in real-time. Rather than simply hunting for keywords, the startup’s algorithms read text, understand context and meaning, and explain why things are connected.

redBus: Building a Data Platform with AWS & Apache Software Foundation

As future data requirements cannot always be planned much ahead of time, data warehousing effort is generally subdued by first creating a data lake, which is a pool of centralized data ready to be transformed based on use cases. A means for accessing and analyzing this data makes it easier for knowledge workers to make good informed decisions. Here’s how Indian bus ticketing platform Redbus does it.

How Komodo Health Enables Self-serve Analytics with a Multi-tenant Notebook Platform on EKS and EMR 6

​Komodo Health​, has been growing rapidly in our mission to reduce the global burden of disease by building software and data products based on a foundation of health data. Their Healthcare MapTM captures the experiences of more than 320 million Americans (de-identified) as they move through the healthcare system. As they grew, they needed to evolve our infrastructure to reduce costs, scale access, improve engineering productivity, and improve resource efficiency.

A Data Lake as Code, Featuring ChEMBL and OpenTargets

AWS Startup Solutions Architect Paul Underwood believes that a data lake is just another complex and heterogeneous infrastructure problem. In this post, he illustrates how you might build a data lake-as-code using the AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Underwood will outline the strategy, core data lake services used, associated costs, and how you can tie it all together with code.

API developer tool stream powers feeds and chats

Stream Powers Feeds and Chat for over 500 Million End Users with AWS

Stream has come a long way since they first started working with AWS, and now powers feeds and chat for more than 500 million end-users. In this blog post, Thierry Schellenbach, the Co-Founder and CEO of Stream covers some of the best practices and AWS services that allowed them to sustain this rapid growth.

How Renovo uses Elasticsearch to manage data log storage and operational complexities

How Renovo Uses Amazon OpenSearch to Manage Logs

AWS has enabled auto tech startup Renovo to keep up with logs generated by vehicles and support systems in a manner that does not require it to over-provision processing and focus on the problem space: operating a vehicle or fleet of vehicles. Director of Data Services Khalid Azam explains how.