AWS Startups Blog

Category: Startup

Engineering the Future of 5G

If you talk to the Big Network providers—the AT&Ts, Verizons, and Vodaphones of the world—you might think that 5G was already here, or at the very least, right around the corner. On the other hand, if you talk to your average mobile RF Front-End (RFFE) engineer, he or she might tell you that 5G is a few years away. Why the discrepancy?

How AWS Startups in Africa Are Solving Emerging Market Challenges

This past September, AWS Global Startup Evangelist Mackenzie Kosut visited South Africa to learn how African Startups are solving regional entrepreneurial challenges. These include an unstable Internet, low bank penetration, limited smartphone availability, lack of access to education, informal to formal transportation, legacy insurance options, and even mailing logistics in areas with no established postal systems.

Using the Cloud to Secure the Cloud: Moving From a Network-Centric to a Cloud-First Approach

Most security solutions used by enterprises today emphasize a traditional network approach. Today’s modern organizations prize agility and transformation as underlying principles of their IT infrastructures. These enterprises that use the cloud to drive an innovative, agile business and technology agenda must adopt a security strategy that uses cloud principles to address cloud issues.

Ottonova Founders

Ottonova Takes Health Insurance Online

When Frank Birzle set out to start a healthcare company in his native Germany, he did what many people do: he Googled how to do it. But “how to start a health insurance company in Germany” didn’t return any results. “It was quite surprising,” he says. “How many times does it happen to you nowadays that you actually Google something and you get zero results?”

Nyansa Figure 2: Typical architecture of new it analytics SaaS solutions

With Nyansa, Big Data Network Analytics Meets the Cloud

Today’s modern corporate access network is under siege. As smart device-armed mobile users continue to multiply and access more and more media-rich cloud-based applications, IT staffs have become overwhelmed with the massive volumes of disparate data that must be analyzed and correlated to find and fix problems impacting users’ network experiences.