AWS Storage Blog

Category: Compute

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Securely installing AWS Replication Agent using AWS Security Token Service

UPDATE (7/7/2022): We’ve revised this blog post to align with the latest AWS security best practices. We’ve removed the step of adding an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) user, and replaced it with using an EC2 instance profile when the source server is an EC2 instance (the AWS Replication Agent also retrieves credentials automatically from […]

AWS Backup 2021 blog image

Backup and restore on-premises VMware virtual machines using AWS Backup

VMware virtual machines (VMs) can run in a number of environments, and whether they run on-premises, in the cloud, or in a hybrid environment, one thing remains the same: backing up your virtual machines is an important step toward meeting business continuity and regulatory requirements. For VMware users, figuring out the best method of backing […]

Automatic tape deletion with AWS Storage Gateway

Virtual tapes offer a great replacement for cumbersome and expensive physical tapes and are ideal for hybrid workloads looking to take advantage of cloud scale and availability. Virtual tapes can already be less costly than physical tapes and offer more flexibility, less overhead, and better security, but you can save even more money through proper […]

Amazon EBS

AWS STAC-M3™ benchmark results: Low-latency tick analytics made easy

Analyzing time-series data such as tick-by-tick quotes and trades is crucial to our financial services customers, specifically quantitative analysts, algorithm engineers, risk managers, and others handling various trading functions. From running global ticker plants to algorithm development, to risk management, these functions are critical to day-to-day business operations. With the increase in trading volume and […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

Migrating Google Cloud Storage to Amazon S3 using AWS DataSync

Update (4/17/2024): The solution presented in this post using AWS DataSync for migration to Amazon S3 from Google Cloud Storage works best if you are looking for a secure managed service for your data transfer workflow that provides data validation, integrated auditing and monitoring capabilities, and the ability to transfer changed data. If you are […]


Run containerized applications efficiently using Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP and Amazon EKS

Kubernetes is a scalable system that offers rapid and easy containerized application deployments for both stateless and long-running, stateful applications. Many Kubernetes applications require a storage system that integrates with the Kubernetes Container Storage Interface (CSI) to create file and block volumes, scale storage, take snapshots, and create clones. Amazon FSx for NetApp ONTAP supports […]

Amazon S3 Batch Operations featured image

Updating Amazon S3 object ACLs at scale with S3 Batch Operations

Update (4/27/2023): Amazon S3 now automatically enables S3 Block Public Access and disables S3 access control lists (ACLs) for all new S3 buckets in all AWS Regions. Access control lists (ACLs) are permission sets associated with data or other system resources that dictate access permissions, and they have been a staple of data security for decades. […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

How to move and store your genomics sequencing data with AWS DataSync

Genomics data is expanding at a rate exceeding Moore’s law according to the National Human Genome Research Institute. As more sequencing data is produced and researchers move from genotyping to whole genome sequencing, the amount of data produced is outpacing on-premises capacity. Organizations need cloud solutions that help manage data movement, storage, and analysis. The […]

AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery

Recovering network file shares with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery and AWS DataSync

Data is one of the most valuable assets that a business owns. Protecting that data from disasters, such as system or infrastructure failures, is an important part of business continuity planning. Companies have diverse IT infrastructures in which data can be presented from multiple sources. This includes on-premises network-attached storage devices via different file-sharing protocols, […]

S3 Security

How Simon Data reduced encryption costs by using Amazon S3 Bucket Keys on existing objects

As more organizations look to operate faster and at scale, they need ways to meet critical compliance requirements and improve data security. Encryption is a critical component of a defense in depth strategy, and when used correctly, can provide an additional layer of protection above basic access control. However, workloads that access millions or billions […]